

名词复数: abscissas   
  • n.
    (pl. abscissas, -sae ) 【数学】横坐标,横轴。



  • 例句与用法
  • The experimental curve runs nearly parallel to the abscissa .
  • Abscissa of absolute convergence
  • In this paper , we study the convergences of random dirichlet series by the local convergence of random variable and the strong law of large numbers , and obtain some simple and explict formulae on abscissa of convergence
  • Abstract : in this paper , we study the convergences of random dirichlet series by the local convergence of random variable and the strong law of large numbers , and obtain some simple and explict formulae on abscissa of convergence
  • Then we deal with the relative fluctuations as following : take relative fluctuations from small to big and take them as abscissa , the corresponding vertical is the total number that relative fluctuations equal to or bigger than the abscissa
  • In the policy chart , the abscissa denotes the average factors score of business completing ability , it reflects level of business completing ability in a period ; the ordinate denotes the level of business sustainable development , it reflects the change tendency of business completing ability in the same period
  • The computational results of the particle images are agreement with the simulated datain reasonable , the most absolute difference of the displacement is 0 . 6671 pixel at the x abscissa and 0 . 7928 pixel at y abscissa ; the computational results are equal to the data form the algorithm of particle brightness - distribution pattern tracking ( the conventional cross - correlation algorithm ) at voluminous points , their discrepancy is only one pixel at few points , mostly in boundary area
    西安理工大学硕士学位论文最后,在visualfortran环境下给出了这种算法的具体实现,处理模拟粒子图像的结果与模拟数据比较吻合,最大位移绝对误差在x方向是0 . 6671像素,在y方向是0 . 7928像素;计算结果与示踪粒子灰度分布模板法(基本的互相关法)在绝大部分点是相同的,只在少数点相差一个像素,而且大多出现在边界区域。
  • Projection algorithm is presented as follows : first , characterize the reference image and the float image and turn into binary images ; then , project the binary images onto the abscissa and y - axis and get the projection vectors ; last , according to the elements of the vectors , the rotation and translation parameters were calculated separately
    投影法通过二值化参考图象和浮动图象,沿x轴、 y轴投影得到投影向量,然后根据投影向量元素的大小和位置,分别检测图象间旋转、平移运动的大小。
  • 英文解释
  • the value of a coordinate on the horizontal axis

  • 百科解释
In mathematics, abscissa (plural abscissae or absciss?) refers to that element of an ordered pair which is plotted on the horizontal axis of a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, as opposed to the ordinate. It is the first of the two terms (often labelled x and y) which define the location of a point in such a coordinate system.
  • 其他语种释义
  • abscissaとは意味:abscissa 横軸 よこじく 横線 おうせん よこせん 横座標 おうざひょう
  • 推荐英语阅读
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