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喝醉了酒 become intoxicated from wine
喝问 shout a question to
喟叹 sigh with deep feeling
喟然 the manner of sighing
喟然长叹 draw a long breath and sigh
喤喤 resounding sound of music so...
喧哗 confused noise
喧喧嚷嚷 make much noise
喧嚣 noisy
喧嚣一时 kick up a terrific racket fo...
喧嚣不已 clamour without stopping
喧嚣战争 clamour for war
喧嚣的车马声 the noise of dense traffic
喧嚣鼓噪 make outcries
喧嚷 clamour
喧天 make a deafening sound
喧天震地 a clamor that upsets the hea...
喧宾夺主 The wrangling guest robs the...
喧扰 noise and disturbance
喧腾 noise and excitement
喧闹 noise and excitement
喧闹声平息了 The noise subsided.
喧闹起来 raise clamour
喧阗 bustling and crowded
喨形 loud
喳喳 whispering sound
喷丝头 spinning jet
喷出 blowout
喷出岩 effusive rock
喷出物质 ejected matter
喷发 spurt
喷发期 effusive period
喷吐 spurt
喷嘴 spray nozzle
喷嘴配件 nozzle fittings
喷嚏 sneeze
喷壶 watering can
喷头 blow head
喷子 sprayer
喷射 spray
喷射器 injector
喷射推进器 jet propeller
喷射管 playpipe
喷敷 sprayed coating
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