

  • n.m. 《日》
  • 例句与用法
  • After serving all his guests, he presented each piece of the tea-equipage for their inspection, along with an exquisite " kakemono ", which Okakura described as " a wonderful writing by an ancient monk dealing with the evanescence of all things ".
  • The financial restraints of the KyMhM reforms begun in 1717 brought an end to the luxury of these large prints, replaced by smaller " hosoban "-sized . } } prints, which were often sold as triptychs which when placed together were little smaller than the kakemono-sized prints.
  • The types of scrolls were both vertical for hanging, with a backing usually of thick woven silk, the traditional Chinese format which became the most common in Japan in this period ( " kakemono " in Japanese ), and in the long horizontal handscroll ( " emakimono " ) format as used for books.
  • In addition, there are fan prints " uchiwa-e " ( 鉜Gbu } ), as well as number of sheets of " sugoroku " ( Y0T0?O0 ) with his signature that still exist and at least three prints in the " kakemono-e " format were produced in his latter years.
  • His work often examined the difficulties of white man's difficulties in settlement of the Far East, and his earlier short stories anticipate Joseph Conrad and Somerset Maugham . " Yellow and White " ( 1895 ) and " Kakemonos " ( 1897 ), are collections of short stories and notes along this line and gave straightforward accounts of interracial sex ( " the love of the white for the yellow " ) . " Yellow Man " ( 1900 ) is a thriller involving Chinese secret societies . " The Emu's Head " ( 1893 ) is about the violent Australian gold mines.
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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