

  • jacobsite
  • 例句与用法
  • Botnedalen is known for the occurrence of various minerals, including hausmannite, jacobsite, braunite, bustamite and rhodonite.
  • Caryopilite has been found in association with brandtite, calcite, gonyerite, jacobsite, lead, manganoan calcite, rhodonite, sarkinite, tirodite.
  • It occurs associated with alleghanyite, rhodonite, sonolite, spessartine, tephroite, kutnohorite, manganhumite, jacobsite, kellyite and alabandite in the Bald Knob area.
  • It occurs in association with : zincite, willemite, franklinite, rhodonite, jacobsite, diopside, gageite, bustamite, manganocalcite, glaucochroite, calcite, banalsite and alleghanyite.
  • Zoning exists within the ore body both in the vertical and horizontal sense, where horizontal zoning is fault related and shows high grade Hausmannite ore, intermediate areas show a very complex mineral assemblage ( Including Braunite and Jacobsite ), while distal areas have a lower grade ore consisting predominantly of Braunite and Kutnohorite.
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