1. 他的脸膀起来了 His face began to swell out.
  2. 他的脸被炉火映得通红 His cheeks shone red before ...
  3. 他的脾气是最急躁的 His temper is of the quickes...
  4. 他的脾气有点各别 His temperament is a bit odd...
  5. 他的腿发肿 His legs are swelling out.
  6. 他的自我批评不是摆样子的 His self-criticism was not m...
  7. 他的舌头被红椒辣得发麻 He burned his tongue with re...
  8. 他的艺术才能使他蜚声文艺界 He acquired an enviable repu...
  9. 他的艺术才能使他赢得了令人羡慕的声誉 He acquired an enviable repu...
  10. 他的花头真多 He is full of fresh ideas. k...
  11. 他的英语丢荒了 His English is rusty.
  12. 他的英语真过得硬 His English is really excell...
  13. 他的著作已被译成几种文字 His writings had been transl...
  14. 他的葫芦里到底卖的是什么药 What has he got up his sleev...
  15. 他的虚荣心很强 He's a vain person.
  16. 他的血管里沸腾着英雄的热血 In his veins dances the bloo...
  17. 他的行为一切都是公开的 His conduct has been entirel...
  18. 他的行为使每个人都嫌恶 His behaviour disgusted ever...
  19. 他的行为是上品的 His behaviour was in good ta...
  20. 他的行为近于疯狂 His conduct borders on madne...
  21. 他的衣服色泽鲜艳 His clothes are bright in co...
  22. 他的衣着过于阔气 He is too extravagant with h...
  23. 他的衬衫浸透了汗水 His shirt was steeped with s...
  24. 他的要求在理 He is reasonable in his dema...
  25. 他的要求很紧迫 He was urgent in his demands...
  26. 他的要求很迫切 He was urgent in his demands...
  27. 他的视力已恢复 He was restored to his sight...
  28. 他的言论在报纸上受到了抨击 His remarks were attacked in...
  29. 他的言语慢慢地缓和了她的威胁态度 His words slowly relaxed her...
  30. 他的计算难得出错 He is seldom out in his calc...
  31. 他的讲话带着悲观的调子 There was a note of pessimis...
  32. 他的讲话引起阵阵哄然大笑 This utterance of his was gr...
  33. 他的访问期与我的访问期有几天重叠 His visit and mine overlappe...
  34. 他的诚实是毫无疑问的 There is no question about h...
  35. 他的诚意是无容置疑的 His sincerity is undoubted.
  36. 他的话不可靠 No reliance is to be placed ...
  37. 他的话不足凭信 His words are not to be trus...
  38. 他的话令人信服 His words carried conviction...
  39. 他的话使在场的人都受到感动 His words moved everyone pre...
  40. 他的话使大家感到惊讶 His words astonished all.
  41. 他的话值得玩味 It is worthwhile to ruminate...
  42. 他的话冒犯了所有在场的人 His words gave great offense...
  43. 他的话在她的耳边回响 His words echoed in her ears...
  44. 他的话太软了 What he said was too mild. w...
  45. 他的话很有棱角 His remarks were pointed.
  46. 他的话惹得大家哈哈大笑 His words set everybody roar...
  47. 他的话意味深长 What he says is significant.
  48. 他的话没有在他们心中引起反响 His words aroused no echoes ...
  49. 他的话说得很笼统 He spoke in very general ter...
  50. 僭同 "惨"

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