1. 行栈 broker's storehouse
  2. 行株距 distance between rows and hi...
  3. 行款 form and arrangement of line...
  4. 行止 whereabouts
  5. 行止不明 whereabouts unknown
  6. 行止无定 there's no telling where sb....
  7. 行止有亏 His conduct has some shortco...
  8. 行注目礼 salute with eye
  9. 行浊言清 stainless in words but foul ...
  10. 行消隐 horizontal blanking
  11. 行灶 makeshift cooking stove
  12. 行状 brief biographical sketch of...
  13. 行猎 hunt
  14. 行百里者半九十 To cover 90 percent of one's...
  15. 行礼 salute
  16. 行礼如仪 perform acts of ceremony
  17. 行程 distance of travel a surname
  18. 行程五千多公里 travel over 5,000 kilometres
  19. 行窃 steal
  20. 行答礼 take the salute
  21. 行箧 travelling suitcase
  22. 行经 menstruate a surname
  23. 行经过早 proiomenorrhea
  24. 行署 administrative office
  25. 行者 pedestrian untonsured monk
  26. 行而不果 be undecided in one's course...
  27. 行胜于言 Actions speak louder than wo...
  28. 行脉冲 line pulse
  29. 行脚 travel far and wide
  30. 行脚僧 palmer
  31. 行腔 use the tunes according to o...
  32. 行船 sail a boat
  33. 行船到最近的港口 navigate the ship to the nea...
  34. 行色 circumstances or style of de...
  35. 行色匆匆 be in a rush getting ready f...
  36. 行若无事 behave as if nothing had hap...
  37. 行营 field headquarters
  38. 行行出状元 One may distinguish himself ...
  39. 行装 outfit for a journey
  40. 行规 guild regulations
  41. 行话 jargon
  42. 行话市语 the language of every trade ...
  43. 行语句 line statement
  44. 行货 goods which are not carefull...
  45. 行贩 pedlar
  46. 行贿 practise bribery
  47. 行贿受贿 offering or accepting bribes
  48. 行贿受贿罪 offense of bribery
  49. 行走 walk
  50. 贲育之勇 the bravery of two ancient h...

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