1. 抚恤金 pension for the disabled or ...
  2. 抚慰 comfort nurture
  3. 抚慰死难家属 console the bereaved family
  4. 抚掌大笑 laugh loud and clap one's ha...
  5. 抚摩 stroke
  6. 抚摸 stroke
  7. 抚摸孩子的脸蛋儿 stroke a child's cheeks
  8. 抚棺恸哭 break into loud lamentations...
  9. 抚爱 caress
  10. 抚琴 play the zither
  11. 抚育 foster
  12. 抚育伐 disengagement cutting
  13. 抚育烈士子女 bring up the children of rev...
  14. 抚背扼喉 have a squeeze on the enemy
  15. 抚躬自问 examine one's own conscience
  16. throw
  17. 抛儿弃女 forsake one's children
  18. 抛光 polishing
  19. 抛光剂 brightener
  20. 抛光机 glazing machine
  21. 抛光轮 buff wheel
  22. 抛光零件 polish parts
  23. 抛出 ejection
  24. 抛到九霄云外 cast to the winds
  25. 抛售 undersell
  26. 抛售价 closeout rate
  27. 抛售物资 sell large quantities of goo...
  28. 抛头露面 show one's face in public
  29. 抛射 cast
  30. 抛射体 projectile
  31. 抛射机 flinger
  32. 抛开 ditching
  33. 抛开你的忧虑吧 Cast your care aside.
  34. 抛弃 throw away
  35. 抛弃一切成见 put away all preconceived id...
  36. 抛弃坏习惯 forsake bad habits
  37. 抛弃妻儿 forsake one's wife and child...
  38. 抛弃妻子 discard one's wife
  39. 抛弃恋人 desert one's sweetheart
  40. 抛弃旧的传统观念 discard old traditional idea...
  41. 抛弃这个想法 divest oneself of the idea
  42. 抛戈弃甲 throw away one's arms and ca...
  43. 抛掷 throw
  44. 抛救生圈 throw a life buoy
  45. 抛梭引线 act as a middleman
  46. 抛物线 para-curve
  47. 抛物线轨道 parabolic orbit
  48. 抛物线飞行 parabolic flight
  49. 抛物面 paraboloid
  50. 抛物面反射器 paraboloid

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