1. 行政法规 administrative laws and regu...
  2. 行政法院 administrative court
  3. 行政立法 administrative legislation
  4. 行政管理 administration
  5. 行政管理支出 state expenditure on general...
  6. 行政管理费 administrative expenses
  7. 行政经费 administrative expenditure
  8. 行政职务 administrative rank
  9. 行政职能 administrative function
  10. 行政诉讼 administrative lawsuit
  11. 行政部门 administrative department
  12. 行政长官 chief executive
  13. 行政预算 administrative budget
  14. 行数 line number
  15. 行数变换器 line transformer
  16. 行文 style or manner of writing
  17. 行文尖刻 wield a caustic pen
  18. 行文流畅 read smoothly send an offici...
  19. 行方便 make things convenient for s...
  20. 行旅 person going on a long journ...
  21. 行旅称便 Travellers find it convenien...
  22. 行时 be in vogue
  23. 行易知难 To know how is easier than t...
  24. 行星 planet
  25. 行星绕着太阳运转 The planets revolve around t...
  26. 行星观测上位置与计算上位置间的误差 the error of a planet
  27. 行星齿轮 epicyclic gear
  28. 行期 date of departure
  29. 行期已近 The date of departure is dra...
  30. 行期未卜 The date of departure remain...
  31. 行李 luggage
  32. 行李包 swag
  33. 行李卷儿 bedroll
  34. 行李卷儿外边再包一层油布 Wrap an oilcloth round the b...
  35. 行李压得扁担嘎吱嘎吱直响 The shoulder pole creaked un...
  36. 行李员 baggageman
  37. 行李寄存处 left-luggage office
  38. 行李归着好了吗 Have you finished packing?
  39. 行李房 trunk room
  40. 行李搬运员 porter
  41. 行李教雨淋湿了 The luggage got wet in the r...
  42. 行李散了 The luggage has got loosened...
  43. 行李架 luggage-rack
  44. 行李票 luggage check
  45. 行李舱 baggage cabin
  46. 行李让雨淋湿了 The luggage got wet in the r...
  47. 行李超过 20公斤要付费. Luggage in excess o...
  48. 行李车 luggage van
  49. 行李过磅了没有 Has the luggage been weighed...
  50. 行板 andante

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