1. 此处河面狭窄 The river narrows at this po...
  2. 此处风光赛过江南 The scenery here surpasses t...
  3. 此外 besides
  4. 此岸 this shore
  5. 此岸性 this sideness
  6. 此恨绵绵 This regret shall last for e...
  7. 此情此景令人动情 be worked up at a sight for ...
  8. 此情此景犹在眼前 Those images and scenes of t...
  9. 此教科书中有几大段是剽窃其它作者的 Long passages in this textbo...
  10. 此时 this moment
  11. 此时此刻 at this very moment
  12. 此时此地 here and now
  13. 此款应记入谁的帐户的借方 To whom shall I debit this s...
  14. 此稿留存 keep this copy on file
  15. 此端向下 bottom
  16. 此等 this kind
  17. 此等人 this kind of person
  18. 此致敬礼 With best wishes.
  19. 此药对我无用 This medicine is of no use t...
  20. 此证明无效 This certificate is invalid....
  21. 此起彼伏 as one falls,another rises
  22. 此路不通 Road Closed
  23. 此路不通那路通 There are more ways than one...
  24. 此辈 people of this type
  25. 此间 around here
  26. 此间已有传闻 It has been so rumoured here...
  27. 此项 this item now
  28. 此项改革势在必行 This reform must be enforced...
  29. 此风不可长 Such a tendency is not to be...
  30. pace
  31. 步下山坡 walk down the slope tread
  32. 步人后尘 tread in sb.'s footsteps
  33. 步伐 step
  34. 步伐一致 walk in step with each other
  35. 步伐合拍 walk in step
  36. 步伐整齐 in step
  37. 步伐稳健 walk with firm and steady st...
  38. 步伐轻盈 be light on one's feet
  39. 步入 step in
  40. 步入会场 walk into the assembly hall
  41. 步入新闻界 step into journalism
  42. 步入歧途 take the wrong turning
  43. 步兵 infantry infantryman
  44. 步兵师 infantry division
  45. 步兵部队 infantry
  46. 步叔 a surname
  47. 步叔乘 Bushu Cheng
  48. 步哨 sentry
  49. 步子 step
  50. 步子不稳 not steady on one's legs

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