1. 步行机 pedipulator
  2. 步行者 footer
  3. 步行锻炼法 deambulation
  4. 步话机 walkie-talkie
  5. 步调 pace
  6. 步调一致 keep step with...
  7. 步调一致才能得胜利 Concerted action alone leads...
  8. 步调参差 Marching orders are confused...
  9. 步进 step-by-step
  10. 步进传动 step-by-step drive
  11. 步进制 step-by-step system
  12. 步进式 marching type
  13. 步进式拨号制 step-by-step dial system
  14. 步进操作 step-by-step operation
  15. 步进方式 step-by-step system
  16. 步进法 step-by-step method
  17. 步郎 Bulang
  18. 步长 step
  19. 步长指数 step index
  20. 步韵 use the rhyme sequence of a ...
  21. 步骘 Bu Zhi the same as "埠",be us...
  22. 步骤 step
  23. military
  24. 武丑 military comedian in Chinese...
  25. 武人 soldier
  26. 武侠小说 gongfu story
  27. 武侠片 swordsmen film
  28. 武剧 Chinese operas characterized...
  29. 武力 military force
  30. 武力兼并 annex by force
  31. 武力威胁 resort to the threat of forc...
  32. 武力干涉 interfere through the use of...
  33. 武力征服 conquer... by force of arms
  34. 武力解决 solution through the use of ...
  35. 武力镇压 armed suppression
  36. 武功 military accomplishments
  37. 武器 weapon
  38. 武器装备 weaponry
  39. 武场 percussion instruments in Ch...
  40. 武士 palace guards in ancient tim...
  41. 武士俑 warrior figure
  42. 武士道 bushido
  43. 武备 defense preparations
  44. 武夫 man of prowess
  45. 武安 a surname
  46. 武安恭 Wu'an Gong
  47. 武官 military attaché organ
  48. 武官处 military attaché's office
  49. 武工 skill in acrobatics in Chine...
  50. 武工队 armed working team

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