1. 癌肉瘤 carcinosarcoma
  2. 癌肿 cancerous sweling
  3. 癌膜功能团理论 membron theory of cancer
  4. 癌血症 carcinemia
  5. 癌转移 cancerometastasis
  6. rash on skin
  7. 癍疹 ecchymosis
  8. 癔病 hysteria
  9. 癔病先兆 aura hysterica
  10. 癔病患者 hysteriac
  11. addiction
  12. 癖嗜 addiction
  13. 癖好 special hobby
  14. 癖性 natural inclination
  15. 癖积 hypochondriac lump
  16. purplish or white patches on...
  17. leprosy favus of the scalp
  18. 癞头 favus-infected head
  19. 癞头疮 scabies on the head
  20. 癞子 a person affected with favus...
  21. 癞狗扶不上墙 a mangy cur that won't let i...
  22. 癞疮 impetigo
  23. 癞病 leprosy
  24. 癞癣 favus
  25. 癞皮狗 mangy dog
  26. 癞皮病 bark favus
  27. 癞蛤蟆 toad
  28. 癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉 a toad wishing to eat swan m...
  29. tinea
  30. 癣疥之疾 only a skin complaint
  31. 癣痂 mycoderma
  32. mentally deranged
  33. 癫狂 demented
  34. 癫症 depressive psychosis
  35. 癫痫 epilepsia
  36. 癫痫先兆 epileptic aura
  37. 癫痫大发作 grand mal
  38. 癫痫学 epileptology
  39. 癫痫学家 epileptologist
  40. 癫痫性痴呆 epileptic dementia
  41. 癫痫性精神病 epileptosis
  42. 癫痫性躁狂 epileptic mania
  43. 癫痫患者 epileptic
  44. 癫痫特征 epileptic character
  45. thin
  46. the last of the Ten Heavenly...
  47. 癸三烯酸 Sencolaminic acid
  48. 癸二烯 decadiene
  49. 癸二烯酸 decatrienoic acid
  50. 癸二腈 sebacic dinitrile

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