1. 贸迁有无 Each supplies what the other...
  2. 贸首之仇 so full of hatred that each ...
  3. fee
  4. 费一番唇舌 take a lot of explaining or ...
  5. 费九牛二虎之力 make Herculean efforts
  6. 费事 give or take a lot of troubl...
  7. 费人思索 exhaust one's mind to think
  8. 费力 need or use great effort
  9. 费力不讨好 do a hard but thankless job
  10. 费劲 need or use great effort
  11. 费口舌 require a lot of talking
  12. 费密能级 Fermi level
  13. 费尽喉舌 do a lot of talking
  14. 费尽心力 make much ado about...
  15. 费尽心机 tax one's ingenuity
  16. 费尽心血 spend one's blood
  17. 费工 take a lot of work
  18. 费工夫 take time and energy
  19. 费很大口舌说服某人 take a lot of talking to con...
  20. 费很大气力 exert great efforts
  21. 费心 give a lot of care
  22. 费心劳力 take a lot of trouble
  23. 费手脚 take much handwork and footw...
  24. 费无极 Fei Wuji
  25. 费时 take time
  26. 费时费力 waste time and energy
  27. 费用 cost
  28. 费用不应超出你们偿还能力的限度 The expenses should be limit...
  29. 费用从五元到十元不等 The charge varies from 5 yua...
  30. 费用以二百元为限 The expenses shall not excee...
  31. 费用高得使人不敢问津 The expense is prohibitive.
  32. 费神 may I trouble you
  33. 费脑筋 rack one's brains ideas
  34. 费舌劳唇 talk oneself out of breath
  35. 费解 hard to understand
  36. 费话 do a lot of talking
  37. 费钱 cost a lot
  38. 贺仪 present for wedding,birthday...
  39. 贺信 congratulatory letter
  40. 贺动 congratulate
  41. 贺喜 congratulate sb. on a happy ...
  42. 贺客盈门 Friends crowded door,offerin...
  43. 贺年 extend New Year greetings or...
  44. 贺年片 New Year card
  45. 贺电 congratulatory telegram
  46. 贺知章 He Zhizhang
  47. 贺礼 gift
  48. 贺词 speech of congratulation
  49. make a gift of sth.
  50. 贻人口实 provide one's critics with a...

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