

发音:   用"一代诗宗"造句
  • an outstanding figure among the poets of the time an administrative unit in Xizang,roughly corresponding to the county ancestral temple a surname
  • 一代:    generation
  • :    poetry; verse; poem
  • :    ancestor; forbears; forefath ...
  • 现代诗:    modern poetry
  • 一代:    generation 下[上] 一代 the coming [last] generation; 这一代中出类拔萃的人 the pick of the generation; 一代名儒 a scholar of no equal of his time; 一代天骄 a proud son of heaven; 一代新人 a new generation; a generation of people of a new type
  • 当代诗人:    the poet of the age
  • 古代诗人:    bard
  • 现代诗歌:    modern poetry
  • 古代诗歌专题:    subject of chinese ancientry poesy
  • 现代诗歌研究:    study of modern verse
  • 中国古代诗歌:    chinese poetry
  • 一代传一代:    come down to sb be passed from one generation to another; from generation to generation
  • 一代一代:    from generation to generation
  • 一代一代地:    from generation to generation
  • 一代又一代:    from generation to generation
  • 代;一代:    generation
  • 第一代:    first generation◇第一代货币 first generation money; 第一代计算机 first-generation computer
  • 隔一代:    one remove
  • 回一代:    fb
  • 老一代:    old generation
  • 上一代:    last generation
  • 下一代:    younger generation 关心下一代委员会 the committee of caring for the younger generation
  • 新一代:    al guil ed gedid; guil ed gedid al; nuova generazione; the new generation
  • 一代的:    generational
  • 一代人:    breeding; generation


        一代:    generation
        :    poetry; verse; poem
        :    ancestor; forbears; forefath ...
        现代诗:    modern poetry
        一代:    generation 下[上] 一代 the coming [last] generation; 这一代中出类拔萃的人 the pick of the generation; 一代名儒 a scholar of no equal of his time; 一代天骄 a proud son of heaven; 一代新人 a new generation; a generation of people of a new type
        当代诗人:    the poet of the age
        古代诗人:    bard
        现代诗歌:    modern poetry
        古代诗歌专题:    subject of chinese ancientry poesy
        现代诗歌研究:    study of modern verse
        中国古代诗歌:    chinese poetry
        一代传一代:    come down to sb be passed from one generation to another; from generation to generation
        一代一代:    from generation to generation
        一代一代地:    from generation to generation
        一代又一代:    from generation to generation
        代;一代:    generation
        第一代:    first generation◇第一代货币 first generation money; 第一代计算机 first-generation computer
        隔一代:    one remove
        回一代:    fb
        老一代:    old generation
        上一代:    last generation
        下一代:    younger generation 关心下一代委员会 the committee of caring for the younger generation
        新一代:    al guil ed gedid; guil ed gedid al; nuova generazione; the new generation
        一代的:    generational
        一代人:    breeding; generation


  1. "一代情侣"英文
  2. "一代情枭毕斯"英文
  3. "一代人"英文
  4. "一代人生育率"英文
  5. "一代人之前"英文
  6. "一代天骄"英文
  7. "一代天骄成吉思汗"英文
  8. "一代天王亚历山大"英文
  9. "一代鲜师"英文
  10. "一代新人"英文


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