

发音:   "一倡百和"的汉语解释   用"一倡百和"造句
  • one person proposes and a hundred others respond.; all following one leader; one leads, and the rest follow (as in a chorus)
  • :    one
  • :    promote; initiate; advocate
  • :    a surname
  • :    mix; blend
  • 百和路:    pak wo road
  • 一唱百和:    one sings, all follow -- meet with general approval.; when one starts singing, all the others join in
  • 百和股份有限公司:    general manufactures corp
  • 一超一地址制:    address system one-over-one; address system, one-over-one
  • 一唱一和:    sing in chorus with ...; chime in with ...; echo each other; in perfect harmony; join in chorus; one sings and the other joins in.; sing a duet (with sb.); sing in duet [chorus]; sing the same tune; sing to each other's tune
  • 一超一位址制:    onion skinning
  • 一唱三叹:    one sang and the other three joined in.; sing or write with affected pathos
  • 一朝:    1.(一天; 一时) in one day 一朝覆亡 collapse [be toppled] in one short day2.(一旦) once 他们多年相处, 一朝分别, 不免依依不舍。 after being together for years, they can't bear to part from each other
  • 一朝被蛇咬:    a burnt child dreads the fire; once bit twice shy
  • 一长制:    director assumes overall management responsibility.; system of one-man leadership; system of placing responsibility solely on factory director; one-man management
  • 一朝被蛇咬,三年怕井绳:    A man once bitten by a snake will for three years shy at a rope.A burnt child dreads the fire.He is so cowed that he sees a venomous viper in a harmless bit of rope.Once bitten by a snake,one shies at a coiled rope for the next three years.Once bitten,twice shy.The scalded dog fears cold water.When a man is bitten by a snake,he starts with fright at the sight of a grass rope for the next three years.
  • 一长一短:    kort en lang, en


        :    one
        :    promote; initiate; advocate
        :    a surname
        :    mix; blend
        百和路:    pak wo road
        一唱百和:    one sings, all follow -- meet with general approval.; when one starts singing, all the others join in
        百和股份有限公司:    general manufactures corp
        一超一地址制:    address system one-over-one; address system, one-over-one
        一唱一和:    sing in chorus with ...; chime in with ...; echo each other; in perfect harmony; join in chorus; one sings and the other joins in.; sing a duet (with sb.); sing in duet [chorus]; sing the same tune; sing to each other's tune
        一超一位址制:    onion skinning
        一唱三叹:    one sang and the other three joined in.; sing or write with affected pathos
        一朝:    1.(一天; 一时) in one day 一朝覆亡 collapse [be toppled] in one short day2.(一旦) once 他们多年相处, 一朝分别, 不免依依不舍。 after being together for years, they can't bear to part from each other
        一朝被蛇咬:    a burnt child dreads the fire; once bit twice shy
        一长制:    director assumes overall management responsibility.; system of one-man leadership; system of placing responsibility solely on factory director; one-man management
        一朝被蛇咬,三年怕井绳:    A man once bitten by a snake will for three years shy at a rope.A burnt child dreads the fire.He is so cowed that he sees a venomous viper in a harmless bit of rope.Once bitten by a snake,one shies at a coiled rope for the next three years.Once bitten,twice shy.The scalded dog fears cold water.When a man is bitten by a snake,he starts with fright at the sight of a grass rope for the next three years.
        一长一短:    kort en lang, en


        一倡百和的韩语:【성어】 한 사람이 먼저 노래를 시작하면 백 사람이 따라 부르다; 한 사람의 호소에 많은 사람이 호응하다. 동조하는 사람이 많다. =[一唱百和]
        一倡百和的俄语:pinyin:yīchàngbǎihè один запоёт— все подхватят; один поёт — все подпевают (обр. а) о единодушии; б) о слепом согласии с чужим мнением)
        一倡百和什么意思:yī chàng bǎi hè 【解释】形容附和的人极多。 【出处】清朝江藩《汉学师承记·惠周惕》:“郢书燕说,一倡百和。” 【拼音码】ycbh 【用法】联合式;作谓语;含褒义 【英文】when one starts singing,all the others join in


  1. "一长一短"英文
  2. "一长制"英文
  3. "一唱百和"英文
  4. "一唱三叹"英文
  5. "一唱一和"英文
  6. "一超一地址制"英文
  7. "一超一位址制"英文
  8. "一朝"英文
  9. "一朝被蛇咬"英文
  10. "一朝被蛇咬,三年怕井绳"英文


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