

  • sacrifice one's life to appease public indignation
  • :    one
  • :    die
  • 以平民愤:    assuage the people's anger; ...
  • 以平民愤:    assuage the people's anger; in order to appease public indignation; put an end to the people's anger
  • 不杀不足以平民愤:    have to be executed to assuage the people's anger; put to death those whose execution is necessary to assuage the people's anger
  • 平民愤:    assuage popular indignation
  • 民愤:    the people's [public] wrath; popular indignation 激起民愤 rouse people's great wrath; 平民愤 assuage popular indignation; 民愤极大 have earned the bitter hatred of the people; have incurred the greatest popular indignation; incur the great wrath of the masses
  • 我死以前:    once before i die; once before i euuya ie
  • 激起民愤:    rouse people's great wrath
  • 民愤极大:    incur the great wrath of the masses
  • 以平板盖上:    slab
  • 以平等地位:    on equal terms
  • 以平局结束:    end in a tie
  • 以平手结束:    end in a tie
  • 必有一死的:    mortala
  • 决一死战:    wage a life-and-death struggle; determine to fight to the death; fight sb. to the death; fight to a finish [to the very last]; fight to one's death; fight with a rope round one's neck; fight with ... to the death; risk all in one desperate battle;wage a fierce [a decisive] battle
  • 决一死战吧:    do or die
  • 免不了一死:    death unavoidable
  • 难免一死:    mortality
  • 三生一死:    three lives and only one death; trois vies & une seule mort
  • 幸免一死:    escaped death by sheer good luck
  • 一死百了:    death squares all accounts.; death pays all scores [debts].; death quits all scores.; one that dies pays all debts
  • 一死了百债:    death pays all debts
  • 终有一死的:    mortal


        :    one
        :    die
        以平民愤:    assuage the people's anger; ...
        以平民愤:    assuage the people's anger; in order to appease public indignation; put an end to the people's anger
        不杀不足以平民愤:    have to be executed to assuage the people's anger; put to death those whose execution is necessary to assuage the people's anger
        平民愤:    assuage popular indignation
        民愤:    the people's [public] wrath; popular indignation 激起民愤 rouse people's great wrath; 平民愤 assuage popular indignation; 民愤极大 have earned the bitter hatred of the people; have incurred the greatest popular indignation; incur the great wrath of the masses
        平民:    the populace; the common people 平民百姓 rank and file; 平民法 vulgar law; 平民化 plebification; 平民教育 mass education; 平民界 citizenary; 平民学校 popular school; 平民政治 arithmocracy; 平民作风 plebeianism; plebianism
        我死以前:    once before i die; once before i euuya ie
        激起民愤:    rouse people's great wrath
        民愤极大:    incur the great wrath of the masses
        以平板盖上:    slab
        以平等地位:    on equal terms
        以平局结束:    end in a tie
        以平手结束:    end in a tie
        必有一死的:    mortala
        决一死战:    wage a life-and-death struggle; determine to fight to the death; fight sb. to the death; fight to a finish [to the very last]; fight to one's death; fight with a rope round one's neck; fight with ... to the death; risk all in one desperate battle;wage a fierce [a decisive] battle
        决一死战吧:    do or die
        免不了一死:    death unavoidable
        难免一死:    mortality
        三生一死:    three lives and only one death; trois vies & une seule mort
        幸免一死:    escaped death by sheer good luck
        一死百了:    death squares all accounts.; death pays all scores [debts].; death quits all scores.; one that dies pays all debts
        一死了百债:    death pays all debts
        终有一死的:    mortal


  1. "一丝一毫"英文
  2. "一丝真理"英文
  3. "一死百了"英文
  4. "一死百了万念俱灰"英文
  5. "一死了百债"英文
  6. "一四商铺"英文
  7. "一似瓮中捉鳖"英文
  8. "一巳"英文
  9. "一松"英文
  10. "一松斋"英文


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