

发音:   用"不知耻的"造句
  • graceless
  • unashamed
  • 不知耻:    have no sense of shame
  • :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • 知耻的:    honourable
  • 全不知耻:    be lost to all sense of shame
  • 恬不知耻:    be devoid of any sense of shame; be lost to (all sense of ) shame; be past all sense [feelings] of shame; have no sense of shame [honor] at all; blush like a black [blue] dog; devoid of all sense of shame; without any sense of shame; nothing can abash him [her].; shameless; unscrupulously; not feel ashamed; callous to shame; dead to shame
  • 不知廉耻的:    conscienceless
  • 不知羞耻的:    shameless
  • 不知羞耻的人:    a law-down dirty shame
  • 恬不知耻, 厚颜无耻:    be dead to shame; be lost to shame; be past shame; be quite without shame; have no shame
  • 无羞耻心, 毫不知耻:    have no sense of shame
  • 知耻:    trust worthy
  • 无礼的,不知羞耻的:    imoudent
  • 不知羞耻的无礼举动:    brazen insolence rudeness etc
  • 他真是个不知羞耻的家伙:    he’s really a law-down dirty shame
  • 胡说八道!你怎么这么恬不知耻:    nonsense ! how can you say that and keep a straight face
  • 知耻夫:    chichio
  • 知耻近乎勇:    feeling of shame is close to bravery
  • 可耻的:    criminal; degradingdisgracefuldishonorabledishonourableignominiousingloriousscandalousyellow-dog; schoolmaster; yellow-dog
  • 无耻的:    abandoned; abject; blushless; cheeky; confident; infamous; jumped-up; presuming
  • 羞耻的:    ashamed; shamefaced
  • 髂耻的:    iliopectinate; iliopectineal; iliopubic
  • 不知:    1.(不知道) not to know; have no idea of; be ignorant of; be in the dark; be all at sea; know nothing about; be the last person to know; be not aware of; without the knowledge of; be beyond sb.; not to hear about; it beats me.; not to have a clue 不知底细 not know the inside story; 不知如何是好 not know which way to look;不知世事 know nothing about what is going on in the world2.(表示疑问或请求) wonder if 不知你是否可以告诉我 ...。 i wonder if you can tell me ..
  • 不羞耻的:    unashamed
  • 惭愧的, 羞耻的:    ashamed
  • 不知出了什么事:    she looks a bit odd
  • 不知春:    bu chi chun


        不知耻:    have no sense of shame
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        知耻的:    honourable
        全不知耻:    be lost to all sense of shame
        恬不知耻:    be devoid of any sense of shame; be lost to (all sense of ) shame; be past all sense [feelings] of shame; have no sense of shame [honor] at all; blush like a black [blue] dog; devoid of all sense of shame; without any sense of shame; nothing can abash him [her].; shameless; unscrupulously; not feel ashamed; callous to shame; dead to shame
        不知廉耻的:    conscienceless
        不知羞耻的:    shameless
        不知羞耻的人:    a law-down dirty shame
        恬不知耻, 厚颜无耻:    be dead to shame; be lost to shame; be past shame; be quite without shame; have no shame
        无羞耻心, 毫不知耻:    have no sense of shame
        知耻:    trust worthy
        无礼的,不知羞耻的:    imoudent
        不知羞耻的无礼举动:    brazen insolence rudeness etc
        他真是个不知羞耻的家伙:    he’s really a law-down dirty shame
        胡说八道!你怎么这么恬不知耻:    nonsense ! how can you say that and keep a straight face
        知耻夫:    chichio
        知耻近乎勇:    feeling of shame is close to bravery
        可耻的:    criminal; degradingdisgracefuldishonorabledishonourableignominiousingloriousscandalousyellow-dog; schoolmaster; yellow-dog
        无耻的:    abandoned; abject; blushless; cheeky; confident; infamous; jumped-up; presuming
        羞耻的:    ashamed; shamefaced
        髂耻的:    iliopectinate; iliopectineal; iliopubic
        不知:    1.(不知道) not to know; have no idea of; be ignorant of; be in the dark; be all at sea; know nothing about; be the last person to know; be not aware of; without the knowledge of; be beyond sb.; not to hear about; it beats me.; not to have a clue 不知底细 not know the inside story; 不知如何是好 not know which way to look;不知世事 know nothing about what is going on in the world2.(表示疑问或请求) wonder if 不知你是否可以告诉我 ...。 i wonder if you can tell me ..
        不羞耻的:    unashamed
        惭愧的, 羞耻的:    ashamed
        不知出了什么事:    she looks a bit odd
        不知春:    bu chi chun



  1. "不知不觉已过了三个月"英文
  2. "不知不觉诱惑你"英文
  3. "不知不觉中"英文
  4. "不知不觉中(发生什么)"英文
  5. "不知耻"英文
  6. "不知出了什么事"英文
  7. "不知春"英文
  8. "不知从何入手"英文
  9. "不知从何下手"英文
  10. "不知从哪儿冒出来"英文


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