

  • its all brand new, youll feel it in my kiss
  • :    correspond to; be close to
  • 其一切:    its everything
  • 一切全为你:    i do it for you
  • 当一切全失,未来仍存:    when all else is lost the future still remains
  • 这一切全是因为你:    all these feelings for you
  • 其一:    kiichi
  • 全新:    ibm; nos; ultra optical sensor
  • 郭其一:    qi-yi guo
  • 其一的:    either or
  • 其一郎:    kiichiro
  • 首先、其一:    for one thing
  • 择其一:    alternative
  • 全新版:    apocalypse now redux
  • 全新的:    bran-new; brand new; brandnew; fire new; retouch
  • 全新世:    holocene epoch; holoceneepoch; recent epoch
  • 全新统:    holocene series; postglacial epoch; recent
  • 邝全新:    kuang quanxin
  • 一切:    all; every; everything 调动一切积极因素 bring all positive factors; 一切从10亿人口出发 do everything in terms of the interests of the one billion people; 一切行动听指挥 obey orders in all one's actions; 利用一切手段达到目的 play one's hand for all there's in it; 一切从实际出发 proceed from reality in all work; 在这件事情上, 我们必须把共同事业放在高于一切的位置上。 in this matter we must place the common cause above all else
  • 必居其一:    it must be one or the other
  • 必择其一:    alternative
  • 此其一端:    this is one aspect of the matter
  • 二者择其一:    a door must be either shut or open; a drowning man will clutch at a straw
  • 举其一端:    just to mention one example reason
  • 两者其一:    either
  • 其一站完成:    one piece flow


        :    correspond to; be close to
        其一切:    its everything
        一切全为你:    i do it for you
        当一切全失,未来仍存:    when all else is lost the future still remains
        这一切全是因为你:    all these feelings for you
        其一:    kiichi
        全新:    ibm; nos; ultra optical sensor
        郭其一:    qi-yi guo
        其一的:    either or
        其一郎:    kiichiro
        首先、其一:    for one thing
        择其一:    alternative
        全新版:    apocalypse now redux
        全新的:    bran-new; brand new; brandnew; fire new; retouch
        全新世:    holocene epoch; holoceneepoch; recent epoch
        全新统:    holocene series; postglacial epoch; recent
        邝全新:    kuang quanxin
        一切:    all; every; everything 调动一切积极因素 bring all positive factors; 一切从10亿人口出发 do everything in terms of the interests of the one billion people; 一切行动听指挥 obey orders in all one's actions; 利用一切手段达到目的 play one's hand for all there's in it; 一切从实际出发 proceed from reality in all work; 在这件事情上, 我们必须把共同事业放在高于一切的位置上。 in this matter we must place the common cause above all else
        必居其一:    it must be one or the other
        必择其一:    alternative
        此其一端:    this is one aspect of the matter
        二者择其一:    a door must be either shut or open; a drowning man will clutch at a straw
        举其一端:    just to mention one example reason
        两者其一:    either
        其一站完成:    one piece flow


  1. "其液量"英文
  2. "其一"英文
  3. "其一的"英文
  4. "其一郎"英文
  5. "其一切"英文
  6. "其一站完成"英文
  7. "其异动情形,应依会计报告程序为之。"英文
  8. "其因"英文
  9. "其音乐"英文
  10. "其银币"英文


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