

发音:   用"内外交流"造句
  • equality mutual benefit and exchangeing goods with foreign countries
  • internal and external exchange
  • 国内外交流会:    national & international conference
  • 平等互利,内外交流的原则:    principle of equality,mutual benefit and the need to exchange goods with foreign countries
  • 平等互利内外交流的原则:    principle of equality mutual benefit and the need to exchange goods with foreign countries
  • 内外交困:    be beset with troubles internally and externally; be beset with difficulties [troubles] at home and abroad; be beset with [plagued by] difficulties both inside and outside of the country; be beset with internal and external troubles; be in dire straits at home and abroad; be in trouble at home and abroad; internal and external difficulties; nonplussed both at home and abroad; on the horns of a dilemma in internal and external affairs
  • 内外交置肋骨:    staggered frame
  • 对外交流:    foreign exchange; outside communication
  • 对外交流协会:    saoe
  • 北京海外交流协会:    beijing overseas exchanges association
  • 对外交流与合作:    international exchange and cooperation
  • 厦门海外交流协会:    xiamen overseas exchange association
  • 中国海外交流协会:    china overseas exchanges association
  • 中外交流的平台:    platform for international communication
  • 内外:    1.(内部和外部) inside and outside; domestic and foreign 内外勾结 collusion between the enemies within and without; 长城内外 both sides of the great wall; 国内外市场 domestic and foreign market2.(表示概数) around; about: 20年内外 in about twenty years
  • 湖北省海外交流协会:    hubei association for overseas
  • 教育对外交流与合作:    foreign exchange and cooperation of education; foreignexchangeandcooperationofeducation
  • 温州市涉外交流中心:    f*e
  • 外交:    diplomacy; foreign affairs 通过外交途径解决 be settled through diplomatic channels; 穿梭外交 shuttle diplomacy; 他是职业外交人员。 his profession is diplomacy.; 外交庇护 diplomatic asylum; 外交部 the ministry of foreign affairs; the foreign ministry; 外交部发言人 foreign ministry spokesman; 外交部长 minister of [for] foreign affairs; foreign minister; 外交承认 diplomatic recognition; 外交辞令 diplomatic language; diplomatic parlance; 外交代表 diplomatic representative; 外交代表机构 diplomatic mission; 外交代理人 diplomatic agent; 外交官 diplomat; diplomatist; 外交惯例 diplomatic practice; 外交护照 diplomatic passport; 外交豁免权 diplomatic immunities; 外交机关 diplomatic establishments; 外交机构 foreign service; diplomatic organ; 外交家 diplomat; 外交界 diplomatic circles; 外交礼节 diplomatic protocol; 外交签证 diplomatic visa; 外交人员 diplomatic personnel; 外交史 diplomatic history; history of diplomacy; 外交使节 diplomatic envoy; 外交使团 diplomatic body; diplomatic corps; 外交事务 foreign affairs; 外交谈判 diplomatic negotiation; 外交特权 diplomatic prerogatives; diplomatic privileges; 外交途径 diplomatic channels; 外交团 diplomatic corps; 外交往来 diplomatic intercourse; 外交文件 diplomatic paper; 外交文书 diplomatic correspondence; 外交衔 diplomatic rank; 外交信使 diplomatic courier; 外交邮袋 diplomatic bag; diplomatic pouch; 外交邮件 diplomatic mail; 外交语言 diplomatic language; diplomatese; 外交照会 diplomatic note; 外交政策 foreign policy
  • 外交 ():    diplomacy (board game)
  • 杰出青年义工海外交流计划:    overseas exchange programme for outstanding youth volunteers
  • 杰出青年义工海外交流计划筹备委员会:    organizing committee on overseas exchange award for outstanding youth volunteers
  • 清华大学学生对外交流协会:    asic
  • 人文社会科学对外交流协会:    socio humanity foreign exchange association; socio-humanity foreign exchange association
  • 中国少数民族对外交流协会:    caemee; chinese association of ethnic minorities for external exchanges
  • 交流:    1.(彼此把自己有的供给对方) exchange; interflow; interchange 交流经验 exchange experience; draw on each other's experience; 交流计划 exchange programme; 城乡物资交流 flow of goods and materials between city and country; 经济和技术交流 economic and technical interchange; 文化交流 cultural exchange2.[电学] (交流电流) ac (alternating current); alternating; 交流电动机 alternating-current motor; 交流电焊机 a.c. welder; 交流电机 alternating current machine; ac dynamo; 交流电机车 alternating-current locomotive; 交流电力牵引 alternating-current propulsion; 交流电铃 [讯] magneto bell; 交流电流计 ac galvanometer; 交流电子管 ac tube; 交流电阻 ac resistance; 交流收音机 all-electric set; a.c. receiver; 交流输电 ac transmission; 交流中心 exchange centre
  • 内外接活管接:    street union
  • 内外兼向者:    ambivert


  1. Double speaks have been equipped with face shield to allow effective communication between bearers and others in and out of working venue
  2. With the brief reviews of the syllabus evolution , we can find the syllabus evolution is always accompanied with the development on teaching methodologies
  3. The second is the comparison between the two administrative patterns . the paper states the commonness from the three respects of administrative leader power expansion , value orientation and administrative levels , the difference from the theoretical foundation , relations between government and party , executive foundation and outcome of social development . lastly , the paper makes a conclusion betweens pattern is intergradations on the basis of the commonness and difference
  4. While other factors , such as the distance with central city ( county seat is the central city of a county ) , also have some effects to a certainty . on the basis of rural economic spatial difference characteristics and factors of yiluo river basin , and the theory of river basin economic sustainable development , the article put forward some basic principles and strategic emphases of rural economic sustainable development . the principles include economic development first , the combination of making the co


        国内外交流会:    national & international conference
        平等互利,内外交流的原则:    principle of equality,mutual benefit and the need to exchange goods with foreign countries
        平等互利内外交流的原则:    principle of equality mutual benefit and the need to exchange goods with foreign countries
        内外交困:    be beset with troubles internally and externally; be beset with difficulties [troubles] at home and abroad; be beset with [plagued by] difficulties both inside and outside of the country; be beset with internal and external troubles; be in dire straits at home and abroad; be in trouble at home and abroad; internal and external difficulties; nonplussed both at home and abroad; on the horns of a dilemma in internal and external affairs
        内外交置肋骨:    staggered frame
        对外交流:    foreign exchange; outside communication
        对外交流协会:    saoe
        北京海外交流协会:    beijing overseas exchanges association
        对外交流与合作:    international exchange and cooperation
        厦门海外交流协会:    xiamen overseas exchange association
        中国海外交流协会:    china overseas exchanges association
        中外交流的平台:    platform for international communication
        内外:    1.(内部和外部) inside and outside; domestic and foreign 内外勾结 collusion between the enemies within and without; 长城内外 both sides of the great wall; 国内外市场 domestic and foreign market2.(表示概数) around; about: 20年内外 in about twenty years
        湖北省海外交流协会:    hubei association for overseas
        教育对外交流与合作:    foreign exchange and cooperation of education; foreignexchangeandcooperationofeducation
        温州市涉外交流中心:    f*e
        外交:    diplomacy; foreign affairs 通过外交途径解决 be settled through diplomatic channels; 穿梭外交 shuttle diplomacy; 他是职业外交人员。 his profession is diplomacy.; 外交庇护 diplomatic asylum; 外交部 the ministry of foreign affairs; the foreign ministry; 外交部发言人 foreign ministry spokesman; 外交部长 minister of [for] foreign affairs; foreign minister; 外交承认 diplomatic recognition; 外交辞令 diplomatic language; diplomatic parlance; 外交代表 diplomatic representative; 外交代表机构 diplomatic mission; 外交代理人 diplomatic agent; 外交官 diplomat; diplomatist; 外交惯例 diplomatic practice; 外交护照 diplomatic passport; 外交豁免权 diplomatic immunities; 外交机关 diplomatic establishments; 外交机构 foreign service; diplomatic organ; 外交家 diplomat; 外交界 diplomatic circles; 外交礼节 diplomatic protocol; 外交签证 diplomatic visa; 外交人员 diplomatic personnel; 外交史 diplomatic history; history of diplomacy; 外交使节 diplomatic envoy; 外交使团 diplomatic body; diplomatic corps; 外交事务 foreign affairs; 外交谈判 diplomatic negotiation; 外交特权 diplomatic prerogatives; diplomatic privileges; 外交途径 diplomatic channels; 外交团 diplomatic corps; 外交往来 diplomatic intercourse; 外交文件 diplomatic paper; 外交文书 diplomatic correspondence; 外交衔 diplomatic rank; 外交信使 diplomatic courier; 外交邮袋 diplomatic bag; diplomatic pouch; 外交邮件 diplomatic mail; 外交语言 diplomatic language; diplomatese; 外交照会 diplomatic note; 外交政策 foreign policy
        外交 ():    diplomacy (board game)
        杰出青年义工海外交流计划:    overseas exchange programme for outstanding youth volunteers
        杰出青年义工海外交流计划筹备委员会:    organizing committee on overseas exchange award for outstanding youth volunteers
        清华大学学生对外交流协会:    asic
        人文社会科学对外交流协会:    socio humanity foreign exchange association; socio-humanity foreign exchange association
        中国少数民族对外交流协会:    caemee; chinese association of ethnic minorities for external exchanges
        交流:    1.(彼此把自己有的供给对方) exchange; interflow; interchange 交流经验 exchange experience; draw on each other's experience; 交流计划 exchange programme; 城乡物资交流 flow of goods and materials between city and country; 经济和技术交流 economic and technical interchange; 文化交流 cultural exchange2.[电学] (交流电流) ac (alternating current); alternating; 交流电动机 alternating-current motor; 交流电焊机 a.c. welder; 交流电机 alternating current machine; ac dynamo; 交流电机车 alternating-current locomotive; 交流电力牵引 alternating-current propulsion; 交流电铃 [讯] magneto bell; 交流电流计 ac galvanometer; 交流电子管 ac tube; 交流电阻 ac resistance; 交流收音机 all-electric set; a.c. receiver; 交流输电 ac transmission; 交流中心 exchange centre
        内外接活管接:    street union
        内外兼向者:    ambivert


  1. "内外加厚的"英文
  2. "内外加厚钻杆"英文
  3. "内外间隔"英文
  4. "内外兼向者"英文
  5. "内外交困"英文
  6. "内外交置肋骨"英文
  7. "内外接活管接"英文
  8. "内外接弯头"英文
  9. "内外接弯头活管接"英文
  10. "内外接弯头联管节"英文


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