

  • twin storms
  • 双生:    twin; twinning
  • 暴雨:    torrential rain; rainstorm
  • 双生:    twin; twinning 双生姐妹 twin sister; 双生兄弟 twin brother; 双生斑 twin spots; 双生孢子 didymospore; 双生间雌 freemartin; 双生铰链 gemel hinge; 双生杂种 twin hybrid
  • 暴雨:    torrential rain; rainstorm; hard rain; intense fall; squall; downpour; gush◇暴雨放大 storm maximization; 暴雨洪水 elash flood; storm flood; 暴雨径流 storm run off; 暴雨量 storm-water flow; 暴雨模式 storm model; 暴雨排水沟 storm drain; storm sewer; 暴雨移置 storm transposition
  • 双生斑:    twin spot
  • 双生波:    twin wave
  • 双生的:    binate; biparous; didymous; geminous; twinned
  • 双生儿:    diembryony; gemini; the innocent; twin
  • 双生法:    twin method
  • 双生鸟:    cocteau twins
  • 双生牙:    connate tooth; geminate tooth; geminatlion
  • 双生子:    geminus; twins
  • 暴雨,阵:    shower
  • 暴雨;喷丸:    cloudburst
  • 暴雨量:    storm rainfall; volume of storm
  • 暴雨期:    burst; storm period
  • 暴雨时:    duration of storm
  • 暴雨水:    storm sewage; storm water; stormwater
  • 暴雨云:    storm cloud
  • 大暴雨:    downpour
  • 火暴雨:    cloud burst
  • 雷暴雨:    thunderstorm rainfall; thunderstorms
  • 同卵双生子,单卵双生,同卵双生:    homozygotic twin
  • 单合子双生,单卵双生:    monozygotic twin
  • 二卵双生,异卵双生:    fraternal twins


        双生:    twin; twinning
        暴雨:    torrential rain; rainstorm
        双生:    twin; twinning 双生姐妹 twin sister; 双生兄弟 twin brother; 双生斑 twin spots; 双生孢子 didymospore; 双生间雌 freemartin; 双生铰链 gemel hinge; 双生杂种 twin hybrid
        暴雨:    torrential rain; rainstorm; hard rain; intense fall; squall; downpour; gush◇暴雨放大 storm maximization; 暴雨洪水 elash flood; storm flood; 暴雨径流 storm run off; 暴雨量 storm-water flow; 暴雨模式 storm model; 暴雨排水沟 storm drain; storm sewer; 暴雨移置 storm transposition
        双生斑:    twin spot
        双生波:    twin wave
        双生的:    binate; biparous; didymous; geminous; twinned
        双生儿:    diembryony; gemini; the innocent; twin
        双生法:    twin method
        双生鸟:    cocteau twins
        双生牙:    connate tooth; geminate tooth; geminatlion
        双生子:    geminus; twins
        暴雨,阵:    shower
        暴雨;喷丸:    cloudburst
        暴雨量:    storm rainfall; volume of storm
        暴雨期:    burst; storm period
        暴雨时:    duration of storm
        暴雨水:    storm sewage; storm water; stormwater
        暴雨云:    storm cloud
        大暴雨:    downpour
        火暴雨:    cloud burst
        雷暴雨:    thunderstorm rainfall; thunderstorms
        同卵双生子,单卵双生,同卵双生:    homozygotic twin
        单合子双生,单卵双生:    monozygotic twin
        二卵双生,异卵双生:    fraternal twins


  1. "双声子"英文
  2. "双声子过程"英文
  3. "双声子作用"英文
  4. "双生"英文
  5. "双生斑"英文
  6. "双生病毒"英文
  7. "双生病毒组"英文
  8. "双生波"英文
  9. "双生的"英文
  10. "双生儿"英文


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