

发音:   用"多做实事"造句
  • perform more actual deeds
  • :    many; much; more
  • :    make; manufacture; produce
  • 少说空话,多做实事:    less empty talk and more hard work.
  • 少说空话多做实事:    less empty talk and more hard work
  • 实事:    sache
  • 做实验:    do an experiment; experimentalize; to make an experiment
  • 办实事:    handle concrete affairs in a down-to-earth manner
  • 件实事”:    x major projects that should be given topriority as
  • 实事性:    factivity
  • 多做的动作:    extra part; supplementary part
  • 多做动作:    extra part
  • 多做少说:    work more and talk less
  • 多做运动:    do more exercise
  • 少说多做:    work more and talk less
  • 用…做实验:    to experiment on
  • 又做实干家:    variety is the spice of life
  • 在…做实验:    test on
  • 做实况转播:    broadcast live
  • 少说话多做事:    least talk, most work
  • 说得多做得少:    talk much but do little
  • 确实事件:    certainty
  • 实情实事:    the real facts and real sentiments
  • 实事求事:    seeking truth from facts
  • 实事求是:    seek (the) truth from facts; base on facts; be practical and realistic; be realistic and down-to-earth; call a pikestaff a pikestaff; call a spade a spade; come down to earth; do things in a down-to-earth manner; give due consideration to facts; in a matter-of-fact way; in a practical and realistic way; use a practical approach 实事求是的工作作风 a practical and realistic style of work; 实事求是的批评 criticism based on facts; 实事求是的优良传统和作风 fine tradition and style of work of seeking truth from facts; 实事求是地评价同志 evaluate comrades in a realistic way; 实事求是, 反对主观主义 get at the fact and oppose subjectivism; 科学的态度是 “实事求是”。 to “seek truth from facts”is the scientific approach
  • 实事求是的:    matter-of-fact; practical; realistic


        :    many; much; more
        :    make; manufacture; produce
        少说空话,多做实事:    less empty talk and more hard work.
        少说空话多做实事:    less empty talk and more hard work
        实事:    sache
        做实验:    do an experiment; experimentalize; to make an experiment
        办实事:    handle concrete affairs in a down-to-earth manner
        件实事”:    x major projects that should be given topriority as
        实事性:    factivity
        多做的动作:    extra part; supplementary part
        多做动作:    extra part
        多做少说:    work more and talk less
        多做运动:    do more exercise
        少说多做:    work more and talk less
        用…做实验:    to experiment on
        又做实干家:    variety is the spice of life
        在…做实验:    test on
        做实况转播:    broadcast live
        少说话多做事:    least talk, most work
        说得多做得少:    talk much but do little
        确实事件:    certainty
        实情实事:    the real facts and real sentiments
        实事求事:    seeking truth from facts
        实事求是:    seek (the) truth from facts; base on facts; be practical and realistic; be realistic and down-to-earth; call a pikestaff a pikestaff; call a spade a spade; come down to earth; do things in a down-to-earth manner; give due consideration to facts; in a matter-of-fact way; in a practical and realistic way; use a practical approach 实事求是的工作作风 a practical and realistic style of work; 实事求是的批评 criticism based on facts; 实事求是的优良传统和作风 fine tradition and style of work of seeking truth from facts; 实事求是地评价同志 evaluate comrades in a realistic way; 实事求是, 反对主观主义 get at the fact and oppose subjectivism; 科学的态度是 “实事求是”。 to “seek truth from facts”is the scientific approach
        实事求是的:    matter-of-fact; practical; realistic


  1. "多佐勒"英文
  2. "多佐纳"英文
  3. "多做的动作"英文
  4. "多做动作"英文
  5. "多做少说"英文
  6. "多做市商交易制度"英文
  7. "多做运动"英文
  8. "多作"英文
  9. "多作放牧地牧草"英文
  10. "多作途仪表"英文


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