

发音:   用"干柴易燃"造句
  • dry wood will easily make the fire burn
  • 易燃:    inflammable; combustible; bu ...
  • 干柴容易燃烧:    dry wood burns easily
  • 易燃:    inflammable; combustible; burn like a matchwood [match]◇易燃材料 inflammable material; 易燃货物 inflammable cargo;易燃物 tinder; combustibles; inflammables
  • 干柴好烧:    wood burns better when dry
  • 干柴烈火:    1.(比喻一触即发的形势) (like) a blazing fire and dry wood; (like) a dry faggot on a blazing fire; like bundles of dry firewood -- a single spark will start a big fire2.(比喻情欲正盛的男女) (man and woman) irresistible to one another; caught in a passion
  • 烈火干柴:    blazing fire and dry wood -- from bad to worse
  • 非易燃:    moncombustible
  • 易燃的:    burnable; combustible; fire-hazardous; flamemable; flammability; free burning; ignitable; inflam = inflammable; tindery
  • 易燃度:    degree of inflammability
  • 易燃货:    inflammable cargo
  • 易燃机:    fast burning coke
  • 易燃剂:    heat-sensitive material; inflammable compound
  • 易燃焦:    fast-burning coke; fast-twining coke
  • 易燃煤:    free burning coal; free-burning coal
  • 易燃木:    lightwood
  • 易燃品:    combustible; inflammable goods; inflammable material; inflammable substance; luxury goods
  • 易燃气:    inflammable gas
  • 易燃物:    combustibles; fire goods; fuel; inflammable substance; inflammables; tinderbox
  • 易燃性:    combustibility; deflagrability; hazard; ignitability; ignitiability; inflammability; inflammableness
  • 易燃液:    inflammable liquid
  • 易燃雾气;易燃蒸气:    flammable vapour
  • 易燃物品易燃的:    inflammable
  • 不易燃材料:    nonflammable material
  • 不易燃的:    apyrous; non combustible; uninflammable
  • 不易燃滑脂:    fireproof grease


        易燃:    inflammable; combustible; bu ...
        干柴容易燃烧:    dry wood burns easily
        易燃:    inflammable; combustible; burn like a matchwood [match]◇易燃材料 inflammable material; 易燃货物 inflammable cargo;易燃物 tinder; combustibles; inflammables
        干柴好烧:    wood burns better when dry
        干柴烈火:    1.(比喻一触即发的形势) (like) a blazing fire and dry wood; (like) a dry faggot on a blazing fire; like bundles of dry firewood -- a single spark will start a big fire2.(比喻情欲正盛的男女) (man and woman) irresistible to one another; caught in a passion
        烈火干柴:    blazing fire and dry wood -- from bad to worse
        非易燃:    moncombustible
        易燃的:    burnable; combustible; fire-hazardous; flamemable; flammability; free burning; ignitable; inflam = inflammable; tindery
        易燃度:    degree of inflammability
        易燃货:    inflammable cargo
        易燃机:    fast burning coke
        易燃剂:    heat-sensitive material; inflammable compound
        易燃焦:    fast-burning coke; fast-twining coke
        易燃煤:    free burning coal; free-burning coal
        易燃木:    lightwood
        易燃品:    combustible; inflammable goods; inflammable material; inflammable substance; luxury goods
        易燃气:    inflammable gas
        易燃物:    combustibles; fire goods; fuel; inflammable substance; inflammables; tinderbox
        易燃性:    combustibility; deflagrability; hazard; ignitability; ignitiability; inflammability; inflammableness
        易燃液:    inflammable liquid
        易燃雾气;易燃蒸气:    flammable vapour
        易燃物品易燃的:    inflammable
        不易燃材料:    nonflammable material
        不易燃的:    apyrous; non combustible; uninflammable
        不易燃滑脂:    fireproof grease


  1. "干岔子"英文
  2. "干差那兰耶"英文
  3. "干柴好烧"英文
  4. "干柴烈火"英文
  5. "干柴容易燃烧"英文
  6. "干搀和"英文
  7. "干掺"英文
  8. "干产"英文
  9. "干产量"英文
  10. "干昌"英文


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