

发音:   用"平等义"造句
  • the meaning of universal i. e. that the
  • 平等:    equal; equality
  • :    justice; righteousness
  • 等义的:    tantamount
  • 平等:    equal; equality 男女平等 equality between the sexes; 人类平等 the equality of men; 种族平等 racial equality; 在平等的基础上 on an equal footing; on the basis of equality; 平等互助的关系 relations of equality and mutual assistance; 法律面前人人平等。 everyone is equal before [under] the law. 你和她的地位平等吗? are you on equal footing with her? 我们中国一贯主张国家无论大小一律平等。 we chinese people have persistently urged the equality of nations, big or small.; 平等待遇 equal treatment [payment]; parity of treatment; 平等地位 equal standing; 平等关系 relations on an equal basis; 平等互惠 reciprocal favored treatment; equality and mutual benefit; 平等基金 equalization fund; 平等机会 equal time; 平等交换 exchange on an equal basis; 平等竞争 fair [equal] competition; 平等权利 equal rights; 平等时间 equal time; 平等协商 consultation on the basis of equality; 平等主义 equalitarianism; egalitarianism
  • 不平等:    imparity; inequality; odds; unequally
  • 平等报:    massawat; musawat; rovnost; samatha
  • 平等的:    au pair; equal; scratch
  • 平等地:    coequally; evenly; on equal terms (=on and equal footing); on equal terms(=on and equal footing); on equal terms(=on and equal footing)
  • 平等法:    the universal or impartial truth that all become buddha
  • 平等观:    one of the three tiantai meditations the
  • 平等化:    equalization
  • 平等教:    one of two schools founded by
  • 平等力:    universal power or omnipotence i. e. to save all beings a title of a buddha
  • 平等派:    eganx; egaux
  • 平等权:    equal right
  • 平等寺:    byodoji
  • 平等心:    an impartial mind 'no respecter of persons ' not loving one and hating another
  • 平等性:    the universal nature i. e. the
  • 平等原:    egalitarianism
  • 平等院:    byodoin; byōdō-in
  • 平等智:    samatajāna wisdom of universality or sameness
  • 平等州:    equality state
  • 使平等:    equalise; even
  • 相平等:    equality
  • 性平等:    sexual equality


        平等:    equal; equality
        :    justice; righteousness
        等义的:    tantamount
        平等:    equal; equality 男女平等 equality between the sexes; 人类平等 the equality of men; 种族平等 racial equality; 在平等的基础上 on an equal footing; on the basis of equality; 平等互助的关系 relations of equality and mutual assistance; 法律面前人人平等。 everyone is equal before [under] the law. 你和她的地位平等吗? are you on equal footing with her? 我们中国一贯主张国家无论大小一律平等。 we chinese people have persistently urged the equality of nations, big or small.; 平等待遇 equal treatment [payment]; parity of treatment; 平等地位 equal standing; 平等关系 relations on an equal basis; 平等互惠 reciprocal favored treatment; equality and mutual benefit; 平等基金 equalization fund; 平等机会 equal time; 平等交换 exchange on an equal basis; 平等竞争 fair [equal] competition; 平等权利 equal rights; 平等时间 equal time; 平等协商 consultation on the basis of equality; 平等主义 equalitarianism; egalitarianism
        不平等:    imparity; inequality; odds; unequally
        平等报:    massawat; musawat; rovnost; samatha
        平等的:    au pair; equal; scratch
        平等地:    coequally; evenly; on equal terms (=on and equal footing); on equal terms(=on and equal footing); on equal terms(=on and equal footing)
        平等法:    the universal or impartial truth that all become buddha
        平等观:    one of the three tiantai meditations the
        平等化:    equalization
        平等教:    one of two schools founded by
        平等力:    universal power or omnipotence i. e. to save all beings a title of a buddha
        平等派:    eganx; egaux
        平等权:    equal right
        平等寺:    byodoji
        平等心:    an impartial mind 'no respecter of persons ' not loving one and hating another
        平等性:    the universal nature i. e. the
        平等原:    egalitarianism
        平等院:    byodoin; byōdō-in
        平等智:    samatajāna wisdom of universality or sameness
        平等州:    equality state
        使平等:    equalise; even
        相平等:    equality
        性平等:    sexual equality


  1. "平等信贷机会法案"英文
  2. "平等信用机会法"英文
  3. "平等性"英文
  4. "平等性智"英文
  5. "平等与不可剥夺的权利"英文
  6. "平等原"英文
  7. "平等原则"英文
  8. "平等院"英文
  9. "平等运送旋臂起重机"英文


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