

[ tōng; tǒng; dòng ] 发音:   "恫"的汉语解释   用"恫"造句

  • 动词
    [书面语] (恐惧) fear
  • 恫赫反射:    threat reflex
  • 侗族:    dong people
  • 恫吓:    threaten; intimidate; frighten; scare 不怕恫吓 defy any intimidation; defy any threat; 虚声恫吓 bluff; bluster; 威逼恫吓 intimidate and threaten by force; 用死来恫吓某人 threaten sb. with death
  • 侗语系:    tai-kadai
  • 恫吓,威胁:    intimidate v. make sb. fearful enough to do what one wants
  • 侗乡之夜:    the night of the tongxing
  • 恫吓的行为:    minatory actions gestures etc
  • 侗台语系:    tai-kadai languages
  • 恫吓反射:    threat reflex
  • 侗民族服饰图案中的生殖崇拜:    reproductive worshiin dress pattern of miao yao zhuang and dong nationalities in guangxi


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        恫赫反射:    threat reflex
        侗族:    dong people
        恫吓:    threaten; intimidate; frighten; scare 不怕恫吓 defy any intimidation; defy any threat; 虚声恫吓 bluff; bluster; 威逼恫吓 intimidate and threaten by force; 用死来恫吓某人 threaten sb. with death
        侗语系:    tai-kadai
        恫吓,威胁:    intimidate v. make sb. fearful enough to do what one wants
        侗乡之夜:    the night of the tongxing
        恫吓的行为:    minatory actions gestures etc
        侗台语系:    tai-kadai languages
        恫吓反射:    threat reflex
        侗民族服饰图案中的生殖崇拜:    reproductive worshiin dress pattern of miao yao zhuang and dong nationalities in guangxi


        恫的法语:名 crainte;peur;douleur
        恫的日语:恫tōng 〈書〉病苦.病気で痛むこと. 『異読』【恫 dòng 】
        恫的俄语:[dòng] - 恫吓
        恫什么意思:dòng ㄉㄨㄥˋ 1)〔~吓(hè)〕恐吓,吓(xià)唬。 ·参考词汇: fear dòng (1) 恐惧 [fear] 惠于宗公,神罔时怨,神网时恫。――《诗·大雅·思齐》 国大乱,百姓恫恐。――《史记·燕世家》 (2) 又如:恫震(震惊);恫恐(恐惧);恫惧(恐惧);恫胁(恐吓威胁);恫骇(恐吓,吓唬);恫喝(―hè)(恐吓) (3) 同“挏”。推动 [promote]。如:恫扰(动乱) ...


  1. "侗民族服饰图案中的生殖崇拜"英文
  2. "侗台语系"英文
  3. "侗乡之夜"英文
  4. "侗语系"英文
  5. "侗族"英文
  6. "恫赫反射"英文
  7. "恫吓"英文
  8. "恫吓,威胁"英文
  9. "恫吓的行为"英文
  10. "恫吓反射"英文


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