

[ tiánbùwéiguài ] 发音:   "恬不为怪"的汉语解释   用"恬不为怪"造句
  • take no offense at . . . ; regard calmly sth. reprehensible; quiet and contented; calm; talking no wonder of it; too much mental poise to be upset by; not to be disturbed; not to be shocked by; do not wonder at
  • :    quiet; peaceful; tranquil; c ...
  • :    a block of wood
  • :    support; stand for
  • :    strange; odd; queer; peculia ...
  • 恬不为意:    be nonchalant [calm, indifferent]; remain unruffled [unperturbed]; couldn't care less
  • 不为:    hsybw
  • 不足为怪:    no wonder
  • 何足为怪:    Why wonder at...?no wonder that...
  • 恬不知耻:    be devoid of any sense of shame; be lost to (all sense of ) shame; be past all sense [feelings] of shame; have no sense of shame [honor] at all; blush like a black [blue] dog; devoid of all sense of shame; without any sense of shame; nothing can abash him [her].; shameless; unscrupulously; not feel ashamed; callous to shame; dead to shame
  • 恬不知悔:    be devoid of any sense of repentance -- to have no compunction
  • 不为名,不为利:    seek neither fame nor gain name
  • 不为恶:    do no evil; don't be evil
  • 不为空:    not null
  • 不为利:    seek neither fame nor gain
  • 不为零:    non-vanishing
  • 不为谁:    for no one
  • 不为我:    not for me
  • 不为证:    seeing is believeing
  • 殷不为:    hsybw
  • 不为名不为利:    seek neither fame nor gain
  • 深知底蕴,不以为怪。:    one has lived too near a wood to be frightened by owls.〖hotline
  • 恬不知耻, 厚颜无耻:    be dead to shame; be lost to shame; be past shame; be quite without shame; have no shame
  • 不为什么不为什么:    gt; no why no why
  • 一不为名,二不为利:    seek neither fame nor gainlook neither for fame nor for gainnever to seek gain,credit or honor for oneselfseek no personal fame or gain
  • 一不为名二不为利:    seek neither fame nor gain


        :    quiet; peaceful; tranquil; c ...
        :    a block of wood
        :    support; stand for
        :    strange; odd; queer; peculia ...
        恬不为意:    be nonchalant [calm, indifferent]; remain unruffled [unperturbed]; couldn't care less
        不为:    hsybw
        不足为怪:    no wonder
        何足为怪:    Why wonder at...?no wonder that...
        恬不知耻:    be devoid of any sense of shame; be lost to (all sense of ) shame; be past all sense [feelings] of shame; have no sense of shame [honor] at all; blush like a black [blue] dog; devoid of all sense of shame; without any sense of shame; nothing can abash him [her].; shameless; unscrupulously; not feel ashamed; callous to shame; dead to shame
        恬不知悔:    be devoid of any sense of repentance -- to have no compunction
        不为名,不为利:    seek neither fame nor gain name
        不为恶:    do no evil; don't be evil
        不为空:    not null
        不为利:    seek neither fame nor gain
        不为零:    non-vanishing
        不为谁:    for no one
        不为我:    not for me
        不为证:    seeing is believeing
        殷不为:    hsybw
        不为名不为利:    seek neither fame nor gain
        深知底蕴,不以为怪。:    one has lived too near a wood to be frightened by owls.〖hotline
        恬不知耻, 厚颜无耻:    be dead to shame; be lost to shame; be past shame; be quite without shame; have no shame
        不为什么不为什么:    gt; no why no why
        一不为名,二不为利:    seek neither fame nor gainlook neither for fame nor for gainnever to seek gain,credit or honor for oneselfseek no personal fame or gain
        一不为名二不为利:    seek neither fame nor gain


        恬不为怪的俄语:pinyin:tiánbùwéiguài невозмутимо, хладнокровно
        恬不为怪什么意思:tián bù wéi guài 【解释】指看到不合理的事物,毫不觉得奇怪。 【出处】《汉书·贾谊传》:“至于俗流失,世坏败,因恬而不知怪。” 【拼音码】tbwg 【用法】偏正式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. "甜槠"英文
  2. "甜橄榄"英文
  3. "甜橄榄肉"英文
  4. "甜橘(广橘)"英文
  5. "恬"英文
  6. "恬不为意"英文
  7. "恬不知耻"英文
  8. "恬不知耻, 厚颜无耻"英文
  9. "恬不知悔"英文


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