

  • politure or buff
  • :    throw; toss; fling
  • :    rub
  • :    light; ray
  • :    动词1.(摩擦) rub 擦根火柴 strike a match; 摩拳擦掌 rubbing one's hands together; 手上擦破一点皮 just a scratch on the hand2.(用布、 手巾等摩擦使干净; 揩拭; 抹) wipe; scrub; clean 擦地板 mop [scrub] the floor; 擦汗 wipe the sweat away; 擦脸 dry one's face; 擦皮鞋 polish [shine] shoes; 擦枪 clean a gun; 擦桌子 wipe the table; 用毛巾擦身 scrub oneself with a towel; towel oneself3.(涂抹; 搽) spread on; put on 给机器擦油 grease a machine; oil a machine; 给伤口擦碘酒 apply iodine to a wound; 在脸上擦香脂 put [smooth] some cream on the face4.(贴着或靠近) brush; shave 他粗鲁地从我身边擦过。 he brushed past me in a very rude way. 燕子擦着树梢飞过 the swallow shaved the top of a tree.5.(把瓜果等放在礤床上来回摩擦, 使成细丝) scrape (into shreds) 把萝卜擦成丝儿 shred turnips
  • :    动词1.(扔; 投掷) throw; toss; fling 把帽子抛向空中 throw one's cap into the air; fling one's hat up in the air; 抛救生圈 throw a life buoy; 抛球throw [toss] a ball2.(丢下; 抛弃) leave behind; cast aside; abandon 被时代抛在后面 be tossed to the rear by the times; 抛开你的忧虑吧。 cast your care aside. 跑到第三圈,他已经把别人远远地抛在后面了。 on the third lap he left the other runners far behind. 他抛下了妻子儿女。 he left his wife and children behind
  • :    Ⅰ名词1.(照耀在物体上、使人能看见物体的一种物质) light; ray 月光 moonlight; 日光 sunlight; sunshine; 爱克斯光 x-ray2.(景物) scenery 风光 scene; view; sight; 春光明媚 a sunlit and enchanting scene of spring3.(光彩; 荣誉) honour; glory; lustre 为国争光 win honour for one's country; 给晚会增光 shed lustre on [add lustre to] the evening party4.(明亮; 生辉) brightness 双目有光 bright-eyed5.(恩惠) favour; grace 沾光 benefit from association with sb.; 借光 excuse me6.[书面语] (时光) time7.[书面语] (特指日、 月、星辰等天体) celestial body8.(姓氏) a surname 光逸 guang yiⅡ动词1.(光大) glorify; recover; regain 光前裕后 win praises for one's ancestors and enrich one's posterity; 光耀门楣[庭] bring honour to the family name2.(露在外面) bare; be naked 光着头 be bareheaded; 他光着上身。 he was naked to the waist.3.[书面语] (照耀) shineⅢ形容词1.(光滑; 光溜) smooth; glossy 刮垢磨光 make sth. clean and smooth by scraping and polishing; 这纸不太光。 this paper is not smooth enough.2.(露着的) naked; nude; bare 光脚 barefooted; 光脊梁 barebacked3.(一点不剩) used up; with nothing left 两星期过去, 他们的钱用光了。 two weeks passed. they ran out of money. 他把整块蛋糕都吃光了。 he has eaten up the whole cake. 我们贮存的火柴用光了。 our stock of matches is used up.4.[敬] (表示光荣) glorious; gracious 承蒙光临。 it was gracious of you to come.5.(明亮的) brightⅣ副词(只; 单) only; alone; merely 不要光凭热情去工作。 don't work by enthusiasm alone. 光有好的意愿还不够。 good intention alone is not enough. 她光吃青菜, 不吃肉。 she eats only vegetables and abstains from eating meat
  • 擦,刮去:    scrape
  • 扔,抛:    throw
  • 仍 抛:    cast
  • 投掷;抛:    cast
  • 擦,洗,抹:    mop
  • 擦,揩,抹:    wipe
  • 擦;擦净;擦干:    wipe
  • 擦;消除;拭接;抹上:    wipe
  • 刮,擦(用力的):    scrape
  • 涂,抹,擦:    anointing
  • 抛(纸)飞机:    to throw a plane
  • 投,扔,抛:    throw
  • 投掷;投射;抛:    cast
  • x光:    x-ray
  • 光 (光象):    glory (optical phenomenon)
  • 光 (列):    hikari (shinkansen)
  • 光(塔用):    absence light
  • 光2:    nsno
  • 光orochi:    mitsuoka orochi


        :    throw; toss; fling
        :    rub
        :    light; ray
        :    动词1.(摩擦) rub 擦根火柴 strike a match; 摩拳擦掌 rubbing one's hands together; 手上擦破一点皮 just a scratch on the hand2.(用布、 手巾等摩擦使干净; 揩拭; 抹) wipe; scrub; clean 擦地板 mop [scrub] the floor; 擦汗 wipe the sweat away; 擦脸 dry one's face; 擦皮鞋 polish [shine] shoes; 擦枪 clean a gun; 擦桌子 wipe the table; 用毛巾擦身 scrub oneself with a towel; towel oneself3.(涂抹; 搽) spread on; put on 给机器擦油 grease a machine; oil a machine; 给伤口擦碘酒 apply iodine to a wound; 在脸上擦香脂 put [smooth] some cream on the face4.(贴着或靠近) brush; shave 他粗鲁地从我身边擦过。 he brushed past me in a very rude way. 燕子擦着树梢飞过 the swallow shaved the top of a tree.5.(把瓜果等放在礤床上来回摩擦, 使成细丝) scrape (into shreds) 把萝卜擦成丝儿 shred turnips
        :    动词1.(扔; 投掷) throw; toss; fling 把帽子抛向空中 throw one's cap into the air; fling one's hat up in the air; 抛救生圈 throw a life buoy; 抛球throw [toss] a ball2.(丢下; 抛弃) leave behind; cast aside; abandon 被时代抛在后面 be tossed to the rear by the times; 抛开你的忧虑吧。 cast your care aside. 跑到第三圈,他已经把别人远远地抛在后面了。 on the third lap he left the other runners far behind. 他抛下了妻子儿女。 he left his wife and children behind
        :    Ⅰ名词1.(照耀在物体上、使人能看见物体的一种物质) light; ray 月光 moonlight; 日光 sunlight; sunshine; 爱克斯光 x-ray2.(景物) scenery 风光 scene; view; sight; 春光明媚 a sunlit and enchanting scene of spring3.(光彩; 荣誉) honour; glory; lustre 为国争光 win honour for one's country; 给晚会增光 shed lustre on [add lustre to] the evening party4.(明亮; 生辉) brightness 双目有光 bright-eyed5.(恩惠) favour; grace 沾光 benefit from association with sb.; 借光 excuse me6.[书面语] (时光) time7.[书面语] (特指日、 月、星辰等天体) celestial body8.(姓氏) a surname 光逸 guang yiⅡ动词1.(光大) glorify; recover; regain 光前裕后 win praises for one's ancestors and enrich one's posterity; 光耀门楣[庭] bring honour to the family name2.(露在外面) bare; be naked 光着头 be bareheaded; 他光着上身。 he was naked to the waist.3.[书面语] (照耀) shineⅢ形容词1.(光滑; 光溜) smooth; glossy 刮垢磨光 make sth. clean and smooth by scraping and polishing; 这纸不太光。 this paper is not smooth enough.2.(露着的) naked; nude; bare 光脚 barefooted; 光脊梁 barebacked3.(一点不剩) used up; with nothing left 两星期过去, 他们的钱用光了。 two weeks passed. they ran out of money. 他把整块蛋糕都吃光了。 he has eaten up the whole cake. 我们贮存的火柴用光了。 our stock of matches is used up.4.[敬] (表示光荣) glorious; gracious 承蒙光临。 it was gracious of you to come.5.(明亮的) brightⅣ副词(只; 单) only; alone; merely 不要光凭热情去工作。 don't work by enthusiasm alone. 光有好的意愿还不够。 good intention alone is not enough. 她光吃青菜, 不吃肉。 she eats only vegetables and abstains from eating meat
        擦,刮去:    scrape
        扔,抛:    throw
        仍 抛:    cast
        投掷;抛:    cast
        擦,洗,抹:    mop
        擦,揩,抹:    wipe
        擦;擦净;擦干:    wipe
        擦;消除;拭接;抹上:    wipe
        刮,擦(用力的):    scrape
        涂,抹,擦:    anointing
        抛(纸)飞机:    to throw a plane
        投,扔,抛:    throw
        投掷;投射;抛:    cast
        x光:    x-ray
        光 (光象):    glory (optical phenomenon)
        光 (列):    hikari (shinkansen)
        光(塔用):    absence light
        光2:    nsno
        光orochi:    mitsuoka orochi


  1. "胖子原子弹"英文
  2. "胖哔叽"英文
  3. "胖嘟嘟的"英文
  4. "胖胱氨酸"英文
  5. "抛"英文
  6. "抛2号和3号锚"英文
  7. "抛(纸)飞机"英文
  8. "抛,掷,向上扔,摇摆,颠簸,辗转反侧"英文
  9. "抛八字锚"英文
  10. "抛靶"英文


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