

发音:   用"放弃国籍"造句
  • renounce one's nationality
  • 放弃:    give up; abandon; renounce; ...
  • 国籍:    nationality a surname
  • 放弃国籍声明:    declaration of alienage; declarationofalienage
  • 放逐国外, 放弃国籍:    expatriation
  • 谁亦不能自弃国籍:    nemo potest exuere patriam
  • 国籍的放弃:    renunciation of nationality
  • 国籍:    nationality 出生国籍 nationality by birth; 多重国籍 plural nationality; 双重国籍 dual nationality; 无国籍 statelessness; stateless; 无国籍的人 a person without country; 保留国籍 retain citizenship; retain nationality; 剥夺国籍 deprivation of nationality; denationalization; 取得外国国籍 acquire foreign nationality; 改变国籍 change one's nationality; 根据出生地取得国籍 citizenship by birth; 恢复国籍 restoration of nationality; 入国籍 become a citizen of a certain country; be naturalized; 申请加入国籍 apply for naturalization; 退出国籍 renounce one's nationality; 选择国籍 choose one's nationality; 中国国籍 chinese nationality; 自动丧失国籍 lose one's nationality automatically; 国籍不明 uncertain nationality; 国籍的放弃 renunciation of nationality; 我们俩是同一国籍的人。 we were both of the same nationality.; 国籍法 law of nationality; nationality law; 国籍所属国 state of nationality; 国籍证明书 certificate of nationality
  • 放弃:    give up; abandon; renounce; back-out; forsake; resign; surrender; abstain from; forgo; render (up); back down; drop; pack in; wash out; put away; get out of 放弃个人意见 withdraw one's opinion; 放弃休息时间 give up one's time for rest; 放弃表决权 abstain from voting; 放弃财产 relinquish one's possessions; 放弃原则 forsake one's principles; 放弃职守 desert one's post; 这项计划很可能被放弃。 the plan will most probably be abandoned. 他放弃了出国的念头。 he gives up the idea of going abroad. 那位女电影演员放弃事业而结婚了。 the film actress gave up her career and married.; 放弃保费 waiver of premium; 放弃公民权 renounce one's citizenship; 放弃国籍 renounce one's nationality; 放弃国籍声明 declaration of alienage; 放弃航次 abandonment of the voyage; 放弃继承权 renunciation of succession; 放弃奖金 waiver of premium; 放弃金本位 off the gold standard; 放弃权利 renounce; renunciation; 放弃上诉权 renunciation of appeal; 放弃诉讼 renounce an action; 放弃索赔 renunciation of claim; 放弃条款 waiver clause; 放弃遗产继承权 renounce claim to an inheritance
  • 弃国宣誓(英):    abjuration of the realm
  • 国籍,民族:    nationality
  • 国籍法:    law of nationality; nationality law
  • 国籍旗:    national e ign; national ensign
  • 国籍权:    right of nationality
  • 民族,国籍:    nationality
  • 入国籍:    naturalization
  • 无国籍:    [外] stateless◇无国籍人 stateless person; 无国籍者 a stateless person
  • 原国籍:    nationality of origin
  • 中国籍:    chinese nationality
  • 准国籍:    semi-nationality
  • 弃国宣誓, 出逃宣誓:    abjuration of the realm
  • 国籍的变更, 改变国籍:    change of nationality
  • 国籍的变更,改变国籍:    change of nationality
  • 别放弃:    don't give up; don't let up; never stop
  • 不放弃:    hold to; refuse to give uor change
  • 撤退, 放弃:    beat a retreat


  1. A participant opined that seven years was too long and considered that one year would be sufficient . another participant disagreed with the proposal because renouncing foreign nationality was already a strong commitment of a candidate


        放弃:    give up; abandon; renounce; ...
        国籍:    nationality a surname
        放弃国籍声明:    declaration of alienage; declarationofalienage
        放逐国外, 放弃国籍:    expatriation
        谁亦不能自弃国籍:    nemo potest exuere patriam
        国籍的放弃:    renunciation of nationality
        国籍:    nationality 出生国籍 nationality by birth; 多重国籍 plural nationality; 双重国籍 dual nationality; 无国籍 statelessness; stateless; 无国籍的人 a person without country; 保留国籍 retain citizenship; retain nationality; 剥夺国籍 deprivation of nationality; denationalization; 取得外国国籍 acquire foreign nationality; 改变国籍 change one's nationality; 根据出生地取得国籍 citizenship by birth; 恢复国籍 restoration of nationality; 入国籍 become a citizen of a certain country; be naturalized; 申请加入国籍 apply for naturalization; 退出国籍 renounce one's nationality; 选择国籍 choose one's nationality; 中国国籍 chinese nationality; 自动丧失国籍 lose one's nationality automatically; 国籍不明 uncertain nationality; 国籍的放弃 renunciation of nationality; 我们俩是同一国籍的人。 we were both of the same nationality.; 国籍法 law of nationality; nationality law; 国籍所属国 state of nationality; 国籍证明书 certificate of nationality
        放弃:    give up; abandon; renounce; back-out; forsake; resign; surrender; abstain from; forgo; render (up); back down; drop; pack in; wash out; put away; get out of 放弃个人意见 withdraw one's opinion; 放弃休息时间 give up one's time for rest; 放弃表决权 abstain from voting; 放弃财产 relinquish one's possessions; 放弃原则 forsake one's principles; 放弃职守 desert one's post; 这项计划很可能被放弃。 the plan will most probably be abandoned. 他放弃了出国的念头。 he gives up the idea of going abroad. 那位女电影演员放弃事业而结婚了。 the film actress gave up her career and married.; 放弃保费 waiver of premium; 放弃公民权 renounce one's citizenship; 放弃国籍 renounce one's nationality; 放弃国籍声明 declaration of alienage; 放弃航次 abandonment of the voyage; 放弃继承权 renunciation of succession; 放弃奖金 waiver of premium; 放弃金本位 off the gold standard; 放弃权利 renounce; renunciation; 放弃上诉权 renunciation of appeal; 放弃诉讼 renounce an action; 放弃索赔 renunciation of claim; 放弃条款 waiver clause; 放弃遗产继承权 renounce claim to an inheritance
        弃国宣誓(英):    abjuration of the realm
        国籍,民族:    nationality
        国籍法:    law of nationality; nationality law
        国籍旗:    national e ign; national ensign
        国籍权:    right of nationality
        民族,国籍:    nationality
        入国籍:    naturalization
        无国籍:    [外] stateless◇无国籍人 stateless person; 无国籍者 a stateless person
        原国籍:    nationality of origin
        中国籍:    chinese nationality
        准国籍:    semi-nationality
        弃国宣誓, 出逃宣誓:    abjuration of the realm
        国籍的变更, 改变国籍:    change of nationality
        国籍的变更,改变国籍:    change of nationality
        别放弃:    don't give up; don't let up; never stop
        不放弃:    hold to; refuse to give uor change
        撤退, 放弃:    beat a retreat



  1. "放弃个人意见"英文
  2. "放弃工作"英文
  3. "放弃公民权"英文
  4. "放弃购货保留权"英文
  5. "放弃管有权"英文
  6. "放弃国籍声明"英文
  7. "放弃航程"英文
  8. "放弃航次"英文
  9. "放弃核计划"英文


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