

发音:   用"旅行装备"造句
  • outfit
  • 旅行:    travel; journey; tour
  • 装备:    equip; fit out
  • 旅行装:    safari suit; travel coat
  • 装备, 配备, 训练, 准备行装:    equip
  • 旅行队及装备:    safari
  • 春秋两季的飞行装备:    intermediate flying assembly
  • 行装:    outfit for a journey; luggage 整理行装 pack (for a journey)
  • 航空武器, 军用飞机等所用飞行装备:    air armament
  • 装备:    1.(配备) equip; fit out 装备精良 be well equipped; 这支部队装备很差。 the army is very poorly equipped. 他们让工人们充分装备起来, 以应付这样的危险情况。 they had equipped their workers adequately for such dangerous condition.2.(配备的东西) equipment; equipage; outfit 露营的装备 a camp equipage; 现代化装备 modernized equipment; 登山运动员的装备 a mountaineer's outfit; 这些东西使他们装备齐全了。 these completed their equipment.; 装备器材 equipage; 装备现代化 facility modernization
  • 旅行:    travel; journey; tour 旅行观光 a sightseeing trip; 作长途旅行 make a long journey; 旅行半个地球 make a journey half-way round the world; 作新婚旅行 go on [make] a bridal tour; 徒步旅行 a walking tour; 组织外国留学生到南方旅行 arrange a tour to the south for foreign students ; 旅行包 travelling bag; wallet; 旅行杯 travelling glass; 旅行车 wagon car; station wagon; 旅行袋 luggage; valise; travelling bag; 旅行飞机 touring plane; 旅行高峰期 peak travel period; 旅行家 traveller; tourist; 旅行结婚 marriage trip; 旅行路线 routining; route; itinerary; 旅行毛毯 lap robe; 旅行平安[意外]险 travel accident insurance; 旅行汽车 dormeuse; station wagon; 旅行社 travel service; travel agency [company]; 旅行时间 hourage; 旅行食品 viaticum; 旅行手提箱 hold-all; 旅行水壶 traveller's water bottle; water flask; canteen; 旅行提包 carryall; 旅行团 cafila; touring party; 旅行箱 suitcase; 旅行信用证 traveller's letter of credit; traveller's circular credit; 旅行营地 mocamp; 旅行者 traveller; tourist; voyager; 旅行证 travel certificate [permit]; 旅行证件 travel documents; 旅行支票 traveller's check [cheque]; 旅行指南 guidebook; 旅行(闹)钟 travelling clock; 旅行装 safari suit
  • 步行装置:    walking unit
  • 成行装配:    in-line assembly
  • 防逆行装置:    hold-back device
  • 飞行装置:    flight instruments
  • 轨行装岩机:    rock loader on rail
  • 滑行装置:    runners
  • 回行装置:    return gear
  • 露营行装:    camp paraphernalia
  • 漂行装置:    floating device
  • 蛇行装定器:    zigzag setting mechanism
  • 试行装配:    tentative assembly
  • 随行装药:    traveling charge
  • 下行装载:    download
  • 携行装载量:    prescribed load
  • 整理行装:    get ready for a journey; pack one's bag


        旅行:    travel; journey; tour
        装备:    equip; fit out
        旅行装:    safari suit; travel coat
        装备, 配备, 训练, 准备行装:    equip
        旅行队及装备:    safari
        春秋两季的飞行装备:    intermediate flying assembly
        行装:    outfit for a journey; luggage 整理行装 pack (for a journey)
        航空武器, 军用飞机等所用飞行装备:    air armament
        装备:    1.(配备) equip; fit out 装备精良 be well equipped; 这支部队装备很差。 the army is very poorly equipped. 他们让工人们充分装备起来, 以应付这样的危险情况。 they had equipped their workers adequately for such dangerous condition.2.(配备的东西) equipment; equipage; outfit 露营的装备 a camp equipage; 现代化装备 modernized equipment; 登山运动员的装备 a mountaineer's outfit; 这些东西使他们装备齐全了。 these completed their equipment.; 装备器材 equipage; 装备现代化 facility modernization
        旅行:    travel; journey; tour 旅行观光 a sightseeing trip; 作长途旅行 make a long journey; 旅行半个地球 make a journey half-way round the world; 作新婚旅行 go on [make] a bridal tour; 徒步旅行 a walking tour; 组织外国留学生到南方旅行 arrange a tour to the south for foreign students ; 旅行包 travelling bag; wallet; 旅行杯 travelling glass; 旅行车 wagon car; station wagon; 旅行袋 luggage; valise; travelling bag; 旅行飞机 touring plane; 旅行高峰期 peak travel period; 旅行家 traveller; tourist; 旅行结婚 marriage trip; 旅行路线 routining; route; itinerary; 旅行毛毯 lap robe; 旅行平安[意外]险 travel accident insurance; 旅行汽车 dormeuse; station wagon; 旅行社 travel service; travel agency [company]; 旅行时间 hourage; 旅行食品 viaticum; 旅行手提箱 hold-all; 旅行水壶 traveller's water bottle; water flask; canteen; 旅行提包 carryall; 旅行团 cafila; touring party; 旅行箱 suitcase; 旅行信用证 traveller's letter of credit; traveller's circular credit; 旅行营地 mocamp; 旅行者 traveller; tourist; voyager; 旅行证 travel certificate [permit]; 旅行证件 travel documents; 旅行支票 traveller's check [cheque]; 旅行指南 guidebook; 旅行(闹)钟 travelling clock; 旅行装 safari suit
        步行装置:    walking unit
        成行装配:    in-line assembly
        防逆行装置:    hold-back device
        飞行装置:    flight instruments
        轨行装岩机:    rock loader on rail
        滑行装置:    runners
        回行装置:    return gear
        露营行装:    camp paraphernalia
        漂行装置:    floating device
        蛇行装定器:    zigzag setting mechanism
        试行装配:    tentative assembly
        随行装药:    traveling charge
        下行装载:    download
        携行装载量:    prescribed load
        整理行装:    get ready for a journey; pack one's bag


  1. "旅行中用旧的"英文
  2. "旅行中总要忍受一点不便"英文
  3. "旅行钟"英文
  4. "旅行周刊"英文
  5. "旅行装"英文
  6. "旅行准备"英文
  7. "旅行自行车"英文
  8. "旅行组合套杆"英文
  9. "旅行狩猎带的帽子"英文


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