

发音:   用"死灰尘"造句
  • dead ash
  • 死灰:    dying embers
  • :    dust; dirt
  • 死灰:    dying embers◇死灰池 [化学] dead lime
  • 灰尘:    dust; dirt; ash; spindrift 掸掉桌上的灰尘 dust the table; 灰尘飞扬。 the dust is rising in clouds. 你上衣上到处都是灰尘。 your coat is covered with dust
  • 死灰池:    dead lime
  • 放射性死灰:    radioactive fallout
  • 枯木死灰:    dead-alive; as the withered tree and the dying ambers; lifeless; a living corpse; have lost hope in the world; not be moved by outside force
  • 脸如死灰:    one's face is like a death mask.; one's face turns ashen [ashy pale].; one's face turns the colour of ashes.; one's face is the colour of wood ash
  • 面如死灰:    the face turned ashy.; a white and bloodless complexion; as pale as dying embers; be (as) white as a sheet [as ashes; as death]; one's face was as white as a sheet.; (he) went as white as a sheet
  • 使面如死灰:    cadaverize
  • 死灰复燃:    a stirring among the dry bones; dying embers glowing again -- resurgence; like dying embers that flare up; revival; rejuvenated; rise again from the ashes; rise phoenix-like from the ashes
  • 死灰槁木:    dead ashes and dry sticks
  • 心如死灰:    one's heart is like dead ashes -- utterly dissipated
  • 槁木死灰:    (比喻对一切事情无动于中) dead trees and cold ashes; complete apathy; rotten wood and cold ashes; a living corpse; lifeless like a piece of dry wood or cold ashes
  • 尘埃,灰尘:    dust
  • 除去…灰尘:    dust off
  • 掸灰尘:    flick 1
  • 灰尘病:    dust disease
  • 灰尘层:    staubosphere
  • 灰尘的:    dusty
  • 灰尘费:    dusty money
  • 灰尘计:    conimeter; coniometer konimeter; dust counter
  • 灰尘漆:    power/dust glaze
  • 硫灰尘:    sulfur dust
  • 石灰尘:    lime dust


        死灰:    dying embers
        :    dust; dirt
        死灰:    dying embers◇死灰池 [化学] dead lime
        灰尘:    dust; dirt; ash; spindrift 掸掉桌上的灰尘 dust the table; 灰尘飞扬。 the dust is rising in clouds. 你上衣上到处都是灰尘。 your coat is covered with dust
        死灰池:    dead lime
        放射性死灰:    radioactive fallout
        枯木死灰:    dead-alive; as the withered tree and the dying ambers; lifeless; a living corpse; have lost hope in the world; not be moved by outside force
        脸如死灰:    one's face is like a death mask.; one's face turns ashen [ashy pale].; one's face turns the colour of ashes.; one's face is the colour of wood ash
        面如死灰:    the face turned ashy.; a white and bloodless complexion; as pale as dying embers; be (as) white as a sheet [as ashes; as death]; one's face was as white as a sheet.; (he) went as white as a sheet
        使面如死灰:    cadaverize
        死灰复燃:    a stirring among the dry bones; dying embers glowing again -- resurgence; like dying embers that flare up; revival; rejuvenated; rise again from the ashes; rise phoenix-like from the ashes
        死灰槁木:    dead ashes and dry sticks
        心如死灰:    one's heart is like dead ashes -- utterly dissipated
        槁木死灰:    (比喻对一切事情无动于中) dead trees and cold ashes; complete apathy; rotten wood and cold ashes; a living corpse; lifeless like a piece of dry wood or cold ashes
        尘埃,灰尘:    dust
        除去…灰尘:    dust off
        掸灰尘:    flick 1
        灰尘病:    dust disease
        灰尘层:    staubosphere
        灰尘的:    dusty
        灰尘费:    dusty money
        灰尘计:    conimeter; coniometer konimeter; dust counter
        灰尘漆:    power/dust glaze
        硫灰尘:    sulfur dust
        石灰尘:    lime dust


  1. "死化妆师"英文
  2. "死环"英文
  3. "死缓"英文
  4. "死缓的复核"英文
  5. "死灰"英文
  6. "死灰池"英文
  7. "死灰复燃"英文
  8. "死灰色的,苍白的"英文
  9. "死灰槁木"英文
  10. "死魂"英文


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