

[ húnrén ] 发音:   "浑人"的汉语解释   用"浑人"造句
  • an unreasonable fellow
  • 浑色绣:    multicoloured embroidery
  • 浑然一新:    everything made new
  • 浑身:    (全身) from head to foot; all over 猪浑身上下都是宝。 every part of the pig is useful
  • 浑然一体:    all blend into one harmonious whole.; an integral whole; a unified entity; one integrated mass
  • 浑身颤抖:    all of a dither
  • 浑然无成:    accomplish [achieve] nothing; without accomplishing anything
  • 浑身臭汗:    reek with sweat
  • 浑然天成:    like nature itself -- highest quality (of art)
  • 浑身打颤:    trembled all over; shiver from head to foot
  • 浑然不觉:    not feel at all; be not aware at all


        浑色绣:    multicoloured embroidery
        浑然一新:    everything made new
        浑身:    (全身) from head to foot; all over 猪浑身上下都是宝。 every part of the pig is useful
        浑然一体:    all blend into one harmonious whole.; an integral whole; a unified entity; one integrated mass
        浑身颤抖:    all of a dither
        浑然无成:    accomplish [achieve] nothing; without accomplishing anything
        浑身臭汗:    reek with sweat
        浑然天成:    like nature itself -- highest quality (of art)
        浑身打颤:    trembled all over; shiver from head to foot
        浑然不觉:    not feel at all; be not aware at all


        浑人的日语:hun2ren2 分别のない人
        浑人的韩语:[명사] 바보. 멍청이. =[混人]
        浑人的俄语:pinyin:húnrén глупец; тёмный человек, невежда
        浑人什么意思:愚昧的人;糊涂人。    ▶ 胡适 《名教》: “如‘鬼’本是没有的, 不幸古代的浑人造出‘鬼’名, 更造出‘无常鬼’、‘大头鬼’、‘吊死鬼’等等名。”    ▶ 茅盾 《子夜》十: “ 吴为成 的方脸上透露着精明能干的神气, 那位 马景山 也不像是浑人;两个都比 曾家驹 高明得多。”    ▶ 田汉 《丽人行》第一场:...


  1. "浑然不觉"英文
  2. "浑然天成"英文
  3. "浑然无成"英文
  4. "浑然一体"英文
  5. "浑然一新"英文
  6. "浑色绣"英文
  7. "浑身"英文
  8. "浑身颤抖"英文
  9. "浑身臭汗"英文
  10. "浑身打颤"英文


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