

[ cuì ] 发音:   "瘁"的汉语解释   用"瘁"造句
  • 形容词
    [书面语] (过度劳累) overworked; tired 短语和例子
  • :    [书面语]Ⅰ形容词(纯粹) pure 粹白 pure whiteⅡ名词(精华) essence; the best 国粹 the quintessence of chinese culture; 精粹 essence; quintessence
  • 脆磬:    fragipan
  • 粹白:    pure white
  • 脆琥珀:    brittle amber
  • 粹刺:    cauterized needling; fire puncture; puncture with heated needle
  • 脆荀:    chili bamboo shoots
  • 粹刺法:    puncture with a red-hot needle; puncturing with a red-hot needle
  • 脆铸件:    frail casting
  • 粹德:    nazi germany
  • 脆质线:    line of weakness


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. I ' m past it . burned out . just needed a push , that ' s all
  2. Keep going 50 yards before you come to a fork road
  3. Adams died in 1848 while speaking in the house of representatives
  4. I would call frank to cancel , but that ' s just it . i don ' t have his phone number
    我?打斤法添克真取消了,但呃也是?铨所在,我?有他的? ? ?
  5. In modern society , people have to be in high spirits to face their work and life . meanwhile , they will unavoidably feel teary because of fierce competition


        :    [书面语]Ⅰ形容词(纯粹) pure 粹白 pure whiteⅡ名词(精华) essence; the best 国粹 the quintessence of chinese culture; 精粹 essence; quintessence
        脆磬:    fragipan
        粹白:    pure white
        脆琥珀:    brittle amber
        粹刺:    cauterized needling; fire puncture; puncture with heated needle
        脆荀:    chili bamboo shoots
        粹刺法:    puncture with a red-hot needle; puncturing with a red-hot needle
        脆铸件:    frail casting
        粹德:    nazi germany
        脆质线:    line of weakness


        瘁的法语:名 <书>surmenage;fatigue心力交~être épuisé par un surmenage physique et intellectuel
        瘁的日语:瘁cuì 〈書〉疲れ果てる. 鞠躬jūgōng尽瘁/全力を傾けて国事に力を尽くす.▼後によく“死而后已”と続ける. 心力交瘁/心身ともに疲れ果てる.
        瘁的韩语:(1)[형용사] 피곤하다. 과로하다. 고달프다. 劳瘁; 고생하다 心力交瘁; 【성어】 심신이 극도로 피곤하다 鞠躬尽瘁; 자기의 모든 것을 다 바쳐 일하다 (2)[명사]【문어】 질병.
        瘁的俄语:pinyin:cuì 1) болеть, страдать 2) истомиться, изнемочь в тяжком труде 3) горевать, убиваться; печалиться; печальный утомлять, изнурять
        瘁什么意思:cuì ㄘㄨㄟˋ 1)疾病;劳累:心力交~。鞠躬尽~,死而后已。 ·参考词汇: tired 邦国殄瘁 枯瘁 人亡邦瘁 鞠躬尽瘁 身心交瘁 心力交瘁 劳瘁 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已 单忧极瘁


  1. "脆质线"英文
  2. "脆铸件"英文
  3. "脆荀"英文
  4. "脆琥珀"英文
  5. "脆磬"英文
  6. "粹"英文
  7. "粹白"英文
  8. "粹刺"英文
  9. "粹刺法"英文
  10. "粹德"英文


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