

发音:   用"萍踪无定"造句
  • one's whereabouts are [is] uncertain [unknown].; go hither and thither like a floating weed; roaming about; wandering aimlessly


        萍踪:    tracks of a wanderer
        萍踪风:    wofeng
        行踪无迹:    pass without trace
        浪迹萍踪:    drift [wander] about without any definite trace like running water or duckweed
        萍踪浪迹:    be a restless fellow like a drifting water plant; come and go without trace; floating about free as duckweed; have no fixed abode because of constant traveling
        萍踪天涯:    roaming freely all over the world
        萍踪侠影录:    chronicles of the shadow swordman
        无定单:    n/o no orders; no order
        无定河:    wuding he
        无定见:    irresolution
        无定金:    without margin
        无定期:    aperiodicity
        无定向:    astatization
        无定型:    amorphous forms
        无定形:    amorphism; nonfixiform; amorphous◇无定形碳 amorphous carbon; 无定形性 amorphism; amorphousness
        无定性:    indefiniteness
        无定义:    nothing
        无定状:    informis
        无定形部分,无定形部:    pars amorpha
        爱无定界:    love is color-blind
        并无定规:    be determined
        风向无定的:    chopping
        风雨无定:    a sudden wind is liable to spring up and rain lash down from what was a cloudless sky a moment before, and stop just as suddenly
        级无定向性:    astatism of
        萍琪黛隆:    beeban kidron
        :    Ⅰ形容词1.(没有高低凹凸, 不顷斜) flat; level; even; smooth 把纸铺平 smooth out the paper; 让病人躺平 help the patient to lie stretched out; 地板很平。 the floor is quite flat. 桌面不平。 the table is not level.2.(高度相同; 不相上下) on the same level; equal 积雪与窗子相平。 the snow is even with the window. 那些孩子要与大人们平起平坐。 those children want to be level with adults. 树梢和屋顶齐平。 the tree top is level with the roof.3.(平均; 公平) equal; fair; impartial 持平之论 a fair argument; an unbiased view; 平分 divide equally4.(安定; 宁静) calm; peaceful; quiet 心平气和 even-tempered and good-humoured; calm; 海上风平浪静。 the sea was calm.5.(经常的; 普通的) average; common 平日 on ordinary days; 学习成绩平平 have average school resultsⅡ动词1.(使平) level; even 把地平一平 level the ground; 农民们平了三百英亩地。 the peasants have levelled three hundred acres of land.2.(在比较时没有高低、先后) be on the same level; equal 平世界纪录 equal a world record; 水已经平了河岸。 the water has been on the same level with the banks.3.(抑止怒气) pacify; assuage; calm down 平民愤 assuage popular indignation; 为民平愤 redress the grievances of the people; 经他一解释, 老太太的气也就平了。 his explanation soothed the old woman's anger.4.(用武力镇压; 平定) put down; suppress 平叛 put down a rebellion [revolt]Ⅲ名词1.[体育] (平局) make the same score; tie; draw 场上比分是七平。 the score is now seven all. 双方打成十五平。 the two teams tied at 15-15. 这场足球最后踢平了。 the football game ended in a draw.2.[语言学] (古汉语四声之一: 平声) level tone, one of the four tones in classical chinese3.(姓氏) a surname 平涛 ping tao


  1. "萍乡运动"英文
  2. "萍踪"英文
  3. "萍踪风"英文
  4. "萍踪浪迹"英文
  5. "萍踪天涯"英文
  6. "萍踪侠影录"英文
  7. "萍琪黛隆"英文
  8. "平"英文
  9. "平(木)锉"英文
  10. "平,冲"英文


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