

  • internal morain(englacial moraine
  • :    bind; wrap
  • :    moraine desert
  • 内碛;裹碛:    internal morain(englacial moraine)
  • :    过Ⅰ动词[口语] (超越) go beyond the limit; undue; excessiveⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 过旭 guo xu
  • 裹扉:    back flap
  • 过 程测 量与监 控:    measurement and monitoring of processes
  • 裹足不前:    come to a standstill; put down one's feet; refuse to go further; hesitate to proceed; halt in hesitation; mark time; stop from proceeding; not step forward; unwilling to go further; hesitate to move forward; drag one's feet 我们不能做有名无实的党员, 不能总在困难面前裹足不前。 we mustn't just be party members in name, marking time because there are difficulties before us
  • 过 滤 用长 丝:    filter tow
  • 裹足:    1.(缠脚) bind the feet of women2.(停步不进) hesitate for fear of danger
  • 过 一 水 偏 硼 酸 钠:    sodium metaborate peroxyhydrate
  • 裹着兽皮的:    hide covered
  • 过(二)硫酸甲:    potassium persulfate
  • 裹状的:    vesicular


        :    bind; wrap
        :    moraine desert
        内碛;裹碛:    internal morain(englacial moraine)
        :    过Ⅰ动词[口语] (超越) go beyond the limit; undue; excessiveⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 过旭 guo xu
        裹扉:    back flap
        过 程测 量与监 控:    measurement and monitoring of processes
        裹足不前:    come to a standstill; put down one's feet; refuse to go further; hesitate to proceed; halt in hesitation; mark time; stop from proceeding; not step forward; unwilling to go further; hesitate to move forward; drag one's feet 我们不能做有名无实的党员, 不能总在困难面前裹足不前。 we mustn't just be party members in name, marking time because there are difficulties before us
        过 滤 用长 丝:    filter tow
        裹足:    1.(缠脚) bind the feet of women2.(停步不进) hesitate for fear of danger
        过 一 水 偏 硼 酸 钠:    sodium metaborate peroxyhydrate
        裹着兽皮的:    hide covered
        过(二)硫酸甲:    potassium persulfate
        裹状的:    vesicular


  1. "裹状的"英文
  2. "裹着兽皮的"英文
  3. "裹足"英文
  4. "裹足不前"英文
  5. "裹扉"英文
  6. "过"英文
  7. "过 程测 量与监 控"英文
  8. "过 滤 用长 丝"英文
  9. "过 一 水 偏 硼 酸 钠"英文
  10. "过(二)硫酸甲"英文


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