

发音:   用"过期刊物"造句
  • back issues
  • back number


  1. Pressured by a boycott among some high - profile scientists in 2001 , certain journals began offering free public access to back issues a year or more after publication


        过期:    be overdue
        刊物:    publication; journal; period ...
        期刊物:    periodical
        过期的刊物:    a back number; back issue
        本期刊物:    current issues
        不定期刊物:    publication issued at irregular intervals
        当期刊物:    current issue
        定期刊物:    periodical(magazines and journals); press
        定期刊物(杂志):    journal
        杂志,定期刊物:    jour
        过期期刊:    a back issue; back number
        过期期刊号:    back number
        现期刊物订阅:    current subscriptions
        学术性刊物,期刊:    journal n
        过期的刊物, 过时的人:    a back number
        专业性定期刊物:    journal
        前面几期;过期期刊:    back numbers
        报纸或定期刊物之经销商:    newsagent
        哲学定期刊物编辑协会:    association of philosophy journal editors
        刊物:    publication; journal; periodical 定期刊物 periodical (publication); 科技刊物 publications on science and technology; 非法刊物 illegitimate publications; 主要刊物 leading publications; 淫秽刊物 obscene publication
        财务专业人员协会定期刊物:    afp periodicals
        过期:    exceed the time limit; be overdue; overdue; expire 过期作废 invalid after the specified date; 过期分娩 postmature delivery; postponed labor; postterm birth; 过期汇票 overdue bill; 过期胶卷 expired film; 过期刊物 back number; 过期流产 missed abortion; 过期 (车)票 invalid ticket; 过期妊娠 prolonged pregnancy; 过期提单 stale bill of lading; 过期条款 expiration clause; 过期文件 [计算机] scratch file; 过期杂志 back number of a magazine; 过期债权 stale claim; 过期照票 deferred sight; 过期支票 stale cheque
        期刊:    journal; periodical 外文期刊 foreign languages periodicals; 现期刊订阅 current subscription; 续订的期刊 renewed subscription; 期刊中的书评 periodical book reviews; 最近的期刊 current periodicals; 季刊是每3个月出版一次的期刊。 the quarterly magazine is a periodical published every three months
        期刊a:    journal of physics a
        刊物;记者:    jour journal;journalist


  1. "过期汇票"英文
  2. "过期货物"英文
  3. "过期检查"英文
  4. "过期胶卷"英文
  5. "过期经行,月经后期"英文
  6. "过期客票"英文
  7. "过期客帐"英文
  8. "过期利率"英文
  9. "过期利息"英文
  10. "过期令状"英文


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