

  • import profit indices


        进口:    enter port; sail into a port ...
        盈利:    300万元 get a profit of three ...
        指数:    index number; index
        盈利指标:    profitability index; profitability measure
        福利指数:    index of welfare
        获利指数:    profitability index
        有利指数:    favorability index
        盈利能力指数:    profitability index
        马歇尔埃奇沃思-鲍利指数:    marshall-edgeworth-bowleyindex
        进口价格指数:    import price index
        进口能力指数:    capacity-to-import index
        进口物价指数:    index number of import prices
        进口物量指数:    import of volume index; index of import volume; quantum index of imports
        盈利:    profit; gain 盈利 300万元 get a profit of three million yuan; 盈利性企业 profit-making enterprise; 这行业盈利不多。 the profits in this business are not large. 盈利被亏损抵销了。 the gains are balanced by the losses.; 盈利率 profit margin; profit rate; 盈利税 business profit tax
        进口单位价值指数:    unit value index of imports
        进口价格平减指数:    import price-deflator indices
        进口贸易比价指数:    index of terms of trade for imports
        进口贸易量指数:    index number of import quantum
        综合进口物价指数:    composite import price index
        出口盈余:    export surplus
        可出口盈余:    exportable surplus
        福利指标:    indicator of welfare
        股利指令:    dividend mandate
        权利指派:    user rights assignment
        进口:    1.(船只进港) enter port; sail into a port2.(外贸进口) import3.(入口) entrance; [机械工程] inlet; admission intake◇进口保证金 import deposit; 进口报单 consumption entry; 进口报关 customs entry; import entry; 进口报关单 import declaration; import entry; 进口补报 post entry; 进口补贴 import subsidy; 进口差额税 variable import levies; 进口差价税 variable import levies; 进口承诺 import commitment; 进口存款制 import deposit scheme; 进口代办行 import commission; 进口代理商 import commission house; import agent; 进口登记证明书 registration certificate of import; 进口定货单 indent; import order; 进口附加税 import surcharge; import surtax; 进口港 port of import; port of entry; 进口跟单汇票 inward documentary bill; documentary import bill; 进口估价 valuation of import; 进口管制 import control; 进口过境单 transit pass for imports; 进口黄金点 import gold point; 进口汇票 import bill; 进口货物 import cargoes; 进口货物报单 entry for consumption; 进口货物估价表 import valuation list; 进口检疫 import quarantine; 进口净值 net import value; 进口卡特尔 import cartel; 进口量 import volume; 进口贸易量指数 index number of import quantum; 进口配额[限额] import quota; 进口签证更改 imports amendment; 进口签证许可制 import licensing system; 进口商 import merchant; importer; 进口商品 import commodity; 进口申报 declaration for import; 进口手续 process of import; entry formalities; 进口水陆运费 inward freight and cartage; 进口税 import duty; inwards; 进口税则 import tariff; 进口损失 entrance loss; entry loss; 进口替代产品 import substitute; 进口替代产品生产企业 enterprises producing import substitutes; 进口统计表 import list; 进口外汇 import exchange; 进口违禁品 contraband of import; 进口限额 import quota; 进口信用证 import letter of credit; 进口许可证 import licence [license]; import permit; import authorization; 进口许可证明 certificate of import licence; 进口许可证制 import licence system; 进口押金办法 import deposit scheme; 进口押金制 import deposit scheme; 进口盈利指数 import profit indices; 进口杂费 import sundry charges; 进口资金融通 import financing; 进口总额 total import; 进口总值 gross import


  1. "进口叶片"英文
  2. "进口依赖程度"英文
  3. "进口银制品"英文
  4. "进口引发价格制"英文
  5. "进口引航"英文
  6. "进口影片管理办法"英文
  7. "进口佣金"英文
  8. "进口鱼粉 秘鲁"英文
  9. "进口与出口"英文
  10. "进口玉兰油"英文


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