

发音:   "麻醉"的汉语解释   用"麻醉"造句
  • 1.[医学] (用药物或针刺等方法使整个机体或机体一部分暂时失去知觉) anaesthesia; narcosis; narcotism; anaesthetization; narcoticism; narcotization 短语和例子
    2.(使人认识模糊) anaesthetize; poison 短语和例子
  • 麻醉的,麻醉剂:    anesthetic
  • 麻醉剂;麻醉的:    anaesthetic = anesthetic
  • 半麻醉:    seminarcosis; twilight anesthesia; twilight sleep
  • 掺麻醉:    drugged
  • 氮麻醉:    nitrogen anesthesia; nitrogen narcosis; rapture of the deep
  • 电麻醉:    electronarcosis
  • 管麻醉:    caudal analgesia; caudal block
  • 麻醉, 麻木:    anaesthetization
  • 麻醉弹:    anaesthetic projectile
  • 麻醉的:    anaesthetic; anesthetic; anesthetizing; narcotic
  • 麻醉毒:    narcotic poison; nareotic poisons
  • 麻醉法:    anaesthesia; anaesthetization; anesthesia; anesthetization
  • 麻醉费:    anesthetic fee
  • 麻醉柜:    anesthetist cabinet
  • 麻醉后:    postanesthetic
  • 麻醉基:    anesthesiophore radical
  • 麻醉机:    anaesthesia apparatus; anaesthesia machine; anaesthetic machine; anesthesia apparatus; anesthesia machine; anesthetic apparatus
  • 麻醉剂:    anaesthetic; narcotic; stupefacient 用麻醉剂麻醉 stupefy by a narcotic; 走私麻醉剂 smuggle narcotics; 麻醉剂的使用受麻醉药法的控制。 the use of narcotics is controlled by narcotics laws.; 麻醉剂注射(一次) fix; morphine shot [injection]
  • 麻醉椒:    yangona
  • 麻醉科:    anaesthesiology department; anesthesia department; anesthesiology(anesthesia) dept; department of anesthesiology
  • 麻醉狂:    narcosomania
  • 麻醉醚:    aether ad narcosin; aether anestheticus; aether pro narcosi; ether anesthesicus; ether for anesthesia
  • 麻醉品:    narcotic; drug; hard drug; [俚语] hash; dope 国际麻醉品管理局 international narcotics control board (incb); 这是一种麻醉品。 this is a narcotic substance. 烟草、酒精和大麻都是会使人上瘾的麻醉品。 tobacco, alcohol and hashish are habit-forming drugs.; 麻醉品管制 drug control; 麻醉品司 division of narcotic drugs; 麻醉品委员会 commission on narcotic drugs
  • 轩麻醉:    pediatric anesthesia
  • 麻醉(精神)分析:    narcoanalysis
  • 麻钻:    twist drill


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Some narcotics are extraordinarily potent。
  2. No , because he gave me anesthesia first .
  3. Did you have gas or an injection ?
  4. The history of anesthesia is quite long .
  5. Reading was like a drug, a dope .


        麻醉的,麻醉剂:    anesthetic
        麻醉剂;麻醉的:    anaesthetic = anesthetic
        半麻醉:    seminarcosis; twilight anesthesia; twilight sleep
        掺麻醉:    drugged
        氮麻醉:    nitrogen anesthesia; nitrogen narcosis; rapture of the deep
        电麻醉:    electronarcosis
        管麻醉:    caudal analgesia; caudal block
        麻醉, 麻木:    anaesthetization
        麻醉弹:    anaesthetic projectile
        麻醉的:    anaesthetic; anesthetic; anesthetizing; narcotic
        麻醉毒:    narcotic poison; nareotic poisons
        麻醉法:    anaesthesia; anaesthetization; anesthesia; anesthetization
        麻醉费:    anesthetic fee
        麻醉柜:    anesthetist cabinet
        麻醉后:    postanesthetic
        麻醉基:    anesthesiophore radical
        麻醉机:    anaesthesia apparatus; anaesthesia machine; anaesthetic machine; anesthesia apparatus; anesthesia machine; anesthetic apparatus
        麻醉剂:    anaesthetic; narcotic; stupefacient 用麻醉剂麻醉 stupefy by a narcotic; 走私麻醉剂 smuggle narcotics; 麻醉剂的使用受麻醉药法的控制。 the use of narcotics is controlled by narcotics laws.; 麻醉剂注射(一次) fix; morphine shot [injection]
        麻醉椒:    yangona
        麻醉科:    anaesthesiology department; anesthesia department; anesthesiology(anesthesia) dept; department of anesthesiology
        麻醉狂:    narcosomania
        麻醉醚:    aether ad narcosin; aether anestheticus; aether pro narcosi; ether anesthesicus; ether for anesthesia
        麻醉品:    narcotic; drug; hard drug; [俚语] hash; dope 国际麻醉品管理局 international narcotics control board (incb); 这是一种麻醉品。 this is a narcotic substance. 烟草、酒精和大麻都是会使人上瘾的麻醉品。 tobacco, alcohol and hashish are habit-forming drugs.; 麻醉品管制 drug control; 麻醉品司 division of narcotic drugs; 麻醉品委员会 commission on narcotic drugs
        轩麻醉:    pediatric anesthesia
        麻醉(精神)分析:    narcoanalysis
        麻钻:    twist drill


        麻醉的法语:名 anesthésie;narcose针刺~anesthésie par acupuncture. 动 anesthésier;stupéfier;endormir narcotisme
        麻醉的日语:(1)〈医〉麻酔(をかける). 施 shī 局部麻醉/局部麻酔をする. 麻醉后动手术/麻酔をかけてから手術をする. (2)〈喩〉麻痺させる. 用淫秽 yínhuì 的电影麻醉青年人/エロチックな映画で若い人を毒する.
        麻醉的韩语:(1)[명사][동사]〈의학〉 마취(하다). 打麻醉针zhēn; 마취 주사 놓다 全身[局部, 脊jǐ髓]麻醉; 전신[국부, 척수] 마취 针刺麻醉; 〈중국의학〉 침 마취 麻醉师; 마취사 施全身麻醉; 전신 마취를 시키다 (2)[동사]【비유】 의식을 마비시키다. 用诲淫诲盗的电影麻醉青年人; 음란하고 폭력적인 영화로 청년들을 물들게 하다
        麻醉的俄语:[mázuì] 1) обезболивание; наркоз; анестезия; обезболивать 2) обр. дурманить
        麻醉的阿拉伯语:تخدير; تَخْدِير;
        麻醉的印尼文:anestesi; anestesia; bius; narkotik; obat bius; ubat bius;
        麻醉什么意思:mázuì ①用药物或针刺等方法使整个有机体或有机体的某一部分暂时失去知觉,多在施行外科手术时采用,分为全身麻醉、局部麻醉和脊髓麻醉三种。 ②比喻用某种手段使人认识模糊、意志消沉。


  1. "麻子"英文
  2. "麻子的"英文
  3. "麻子仁丸"英文
  4. "麻子油"英文
  5. "麻钻"英文
  6. "麻醉(精神)分析"英文
  7. "麻醉, 昏睡, 昏迷"英文
  8. "麻醉, 麻木"英文
  9. "麻醉,感觉缺失"英文
  10. "麻醉(法),感觉缺失"英文


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