



  1. Emperor nero attended the bacchanalian orgy .
  2. And mardi gras, today, is a boisterous, bacchanalian splurge of music and mayhem .
  3. And when they told him what one would expect of their age , he began to be merry , declaring that a vintage celebrated in such a manner was truly bacchanalian
  4. A sour wine , moreover , or a souring , for its influence on the mood of those who drank it was to make them gloomy . no vivacious bacchanalian flame leaped out of the pressed grape of monsieur defarge : but , a smouldering fire that burnt in the
  5. As she settled down in a " gaijin house " in central tokyo and looked for work in some of roppongi district ' s hostess clubs , lucie , 21 , saw a city that was almost carnal in its appetites and bacchanalian in its spirit
    当她在东京市中心的“外国人住宅区”安顿下来,在六本木地区几个舞女夜总会找工作的时候, 21岁的露茜看到的是一个肉池酒林,彻夜狂欢的城市。
  6. It's difficult to find bacchanalian in a sentence. 用bacchanalian造句挺难的
  7. The learned profession of the law was certainly not behind any other learned profession in its bacchanalian propensities ; neither was mr . stryver , already fast shouldering his way to a large and lucrative practice , behind his compeers in this particular , any more than in the drier parts of the legal race


  1. "bacchae"造句
  2. "bacchan"造句
  3. "bacchanal"造句
  4. "bacchanale"造句
  5. "bacchanalia"造句
  6. "bacchanalians"造句
  7. "bacchanalias"造句
  8. "bacchanals"造句
  9. "bacchant"造句
  10. "bacchante"造句

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