



  1. that's a very pretty question. to answer it, you'd have to have a gaggle of international lawyers on the job, and they'd probably disagree .
  2. - this way , mr . president ! - sorry about the gaggle
    -这边,总统先生! -很抱歉有这些扰人的家伙
  3. This way , mr . president ! - sorry about the gaggle
    这边,总统先生! -很抱歉有这些扰人的家伙
  4. Sorry about the gaggle i just can ' t believe how would you like this
  5. A gaggle of screaming children waited just outside the gym , some seeking autographs
  6. It's difficult to find gaggle in a sentence. 用gaggle造句挺难的
  7. This was true even when a boy had grown up surrounded by an enormous gaggle of non - biological elder brothers
  8. By the nizamuddin rail tracks , a gaggle of children warm themselves on a chilly night by burning scraps of wood
  9. We and the rest of our gaggle are flocking en masse at 600 kilometers per second , lured by the virgo cluster of galaxies and other outside masses
  10. But when he is introduced by his leftist teacher to a gaggle of poor children , he becomes friends with the titular machuca
  11. A trio of researchers compared donors with a gaggle of crop - growers , spraying water hither and thither , leaving some plants parched , others deluged
  12. It may be , therefore , that when your entry upon the scene inspires a round of uncontrollable yawning , you have merely stumbled onto a gaggle of adelie penguins in disguise , who are signaling their powerful erotic longing for you
  13. Other memorable activities included a traditional roast duck dinner ( succulent ! ) , an acrobatics show ( unbelievable ! ) , pandas at the zoo ( adorable ! ) and shopping excursions ( gaggles of hagglers ! )
    其他一些难忘的行程还包括品尝地道的北京烤鸭(鲜美多汁! ) 、观看杂技表演(技惊四座! ) 、参观动物园里的大熊猫(俏皮可爱! )和参加购物团(讨价还价的高手们! ) 。
  14. The good : all the great gameplay , presentational elements , and features from the original game are intact in this version ; a full new city that includes a gaggle of new races to play through ; a whole bunch of new cars and songs on the soundtrack ; it ' s totally only $ 20


  1. "gaggini"造句
  2. "gaggio"造句
  3. "gaggio montano"造句
  4. "gaggioli"造句
  5. "gaggiotti"造句
  6. "gaggle of geese"造句
  7. "gaggled"造句
  8. "gaggles"造句
  9. "gaggling"造句
  10. "gagglings"造句

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