



  1. Qcd sum rule and hadron physics
  2. Large hadron collider , lhc
  3. Self - affine analysis for the dynamical fluctuations inside jets produced in high energy hadron - hadron collisions
  4. On the dynamical fluctuations in the production and evolusion of jets in high energy hadron - hadron collisions
  5. So it is necessary to study in detail the hadronization , the transition from partons to hadrons
    Disser ’ l人1 ’ ion而现实世界中这种粒子却从未被观察到,因此strangelet的存在与否一直都是中。
  6. It's difficult to find hadron in a sentence. 用hadron造句挺难的
  7. Besides the formation of quark - gluon plasma , there are many mechanisms in hadron environment which lead to j / suppression
  8. Since hadrons are excitations with respect to vaccum , hadronic properties have very important relation with the properties of vaccum
  9. Hqet ( heavy quark effective theory ) makes this symmetry explicit and proves to be a desirable framework to predict the properties of heavy hadrons
  10. The parameter a , is studied in many experiments of hadron - hadron collisions and heavy ion collisions after it was introduced
    非热相变的概念提出后,很多强子?强子碰撞实验和重离子实验都对特征参数_ q进行了研究。
  11. Lisi is now calculating the masses that the 20 new particles should have , in the hope that they may be spotted when the large hadron collider starts up
  12. A quark ( or an antiquark ) from the projectile hadron radiates a virtual photon on impact on the target , the photon subsequently decays into a lepton pair
  13. With the run of rhic , how to find the signals of qgp from the final hadrons state has become the sensitive topics in high energy heavy ion collision
  14. On the other hand particle identification is provided during offline analysis by algorithms that examine the electromagnetic shower shape in phos to discriminate electromagnetic particles against hadrons
  15. For the low pr hadrons , the bayon number density is very low and shows the evidence of early stage equilibrium . there exists elliptic flow character for the high pt hadrons
    对于低竹强于,在h 0处呈现较低的重子数密度,有早期平衡的明显证据;对于高ptjffi子,有椭性流的特点。
  16. Later this year , the $ 8 - billion science experiment known as the large hadron collider ( lhc ) will start uncovering clues to some of the biggest mysteries in physics
    今年晚些时候,这项耗资八十亿美元、名为大型强子对撞机( lhc )的科学实验将开始陆续发现物理学史上几个最难解之谜的线索。
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "hadrodynamic"造句
  2. "hadrodynamics"造句
  3. "hadrokkosaurus"造句
  4. "hadrokkosaurus bradyi"造句
  5. "hadromerida"造句
  6. "hadron calorimeter"造句
  7. "hadron collider"造句
  8. "hadron collision"造句
  9. "hadron dalla"造句
  10. "hadron epoch"造句

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