



  1. Not giving way to pressure or persuasion ; obdurate
  2. He is obdurate in his convictions
  3. An obdurate miser
  4. Who so obdurate and dead to the claims of gratitude that would not thankfully acknowledge such priceless benefits
  5. Similarly china , soon to be the world ' s largest greenhouse - gas emitter , was , until this year , an obdurate opponent of negotiating beyond kyoto
  6. It's difficult to find obdurate in a sentence. 用obdurate造句挺难的
  7. These would punish mr kibaki ' s more obdurate ministers and backers , while sparing poorer kenyans from the effects of general trade and aid sanctions
  8. Catherine , by instinct , must have divined it was obdurate perversity , and not dislike , that prompted this dogged conduct ; for , after remaining an instant undecided , she stooped and impressed on his cheek a gentle kiss
  9. With iran so obdurate , why the changed tack over bushehr ? in 2005 russia said no fuel would go while questions remained about iran ' s peaceful intentions . but inspectors have plenty of those
    伊朗如此冥顽不灵,何以俄罗斯在布什尔问题上还会改变策略? 2005年,俄罗斯曾表示,只要外界对伊朗的和平意图仍存有疑问,就不会给任何燃料放行。但核查人员有着许多疑问。
  10. When celebrating the anniversaries of their births , we should remember their grace . they took great pains just to edify this obdurate world , sacrificing their private lives , moments of comfort and youthful bodies in the process
    我们在庆祝?们生日时,要记得?们的恩典: ?们辛苦教导这个难教的世界,牺牲?们私人的生活,牺牲?们个人舒服的时间年轻的身体,为了要教育我们世界。
  11. The lai wu is in the centre of shandong province , it ' s economic situation is get behind . so the icbc lai wu branch has many problem in the organization management . for example , the organization overstaff , the people is irresponsible for , culture is obdurate etc . as result , what is very important to the icbc lai wu branch to improve her strength is that build the modern bank system quickly and practice the reformation mightiness


  1. "obdulio trasante"造句
  2. "obdulio varela"造句
  3. "obdurability"造句
  4. "obduracies"造句
  5. "obduracy"造句
  6. "obdurated"造句
  7. "obdurately"造句
  8. "obdurates"造句
  9. "obdurating"造句
  10. "obduration"造句

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