



  1. It is the L-stereoisomer of racemethorphan ( methorphan ).
  2. "' Racemethorphan "'refers to the racemic mixture of both of these stereoisomers.
  3. The ethers, esters and enantiomeres of the above mentioned substances, with exception of dextromethorphan ( INN ) as enantiomere of levomethorphan and racemethorphan, and with exception of dextrorphanol ( INN ) as enantiomere of levorphanol and racemorphan;
  4. It's difficult to find racemethorphan in a sentence. 用racemethorphan造句挺难的


  1. "racemaster"造句
  2. "racemate"造句
  3. "racemates"造句
  4. "raceme"造句
  5. "racemes"造句
  6. "racemi"造句
  7. "racemic"造句
  8. "racemic amphetamine"造句
  9. "racemic amphetamine sulfate"造句
  10. "racemic compound"造句

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