



  1. Unsmiling policemen, vulturous taxi drivers, poorly lighted streets _ the cliches from Graham Greene are all there.
  2. His bonus was $ 225, 000, but he didn't have that vulturous rule hanging over him.
  3. This is the world of the backup quarterback, or the backup to the backup, and more fact-of-life than vulturous.
  4. The home renovation in " Real Estate, " staged as a last-gasp effort to save a dying marriage, unearths raccoons, squirrels, a bat brigade, vulturous crows, and a gang of teenage hoodlum-squatters.
  5. The rest of the story involves Ella's attempts to sell the family farm so they have enough money to buy food, the vulturous developer ( Randy Quaid ) who is dedicated to wooing Ella romantically to get his slimy paws on the property and the difficult attempts of the kids to keep their heads when all those around them are losing theirs.
  6. It's difficult to find vulturous in a sentence. 用vulturous造句挺难的


  1. "vulturing"造句
  2. "vulturish"造句
  3. "vulturism"造句
  4. "vulturnus"造句
  5. "vulturo"造句
  6. "vulturs"造句
  7. "vultus"造句
  8. "vulva"造句
  9. "vulva and vagina"造句
  10. "vulva original"造句

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