

名词复数: rachides   
  • n.
    ( pl. rachises , rachides ) 【解剖学】脊椎,脊柱;【植物;植物学】花序轴,叶轴;【动物;动物学】羽轴;分脊。



  • 例句与用法
  • Spinal cord is to be located in the organization of a kind of nerve among rachis
  • Inflorescence paniculate , rachis tawny tomentose ; female flowers borne on basal part of the inflorescence
  • Why can sufferring from myelitis spinal cord is to be located in the organization of a kind of nerve among rachis
  • Spadix rachis flat , margin with bract - like appendages ; flowers small , monoecious , in 2 series on rachis , apetalous
  • Likewise , a plumulaceous tuft of barbs evolved before the pennaceous feather with a rachis because the rachis is formed by the fusion of barb ridges
  • Medico - surgical equipment . osteosynthesis equipment for the rachis . forged stainless stell or cobalt alloy rachis plates . system a . dimensions and geometry
    外科医疗设备.脊椎用接骨器材.不锈钢或钴基合金脊椎板. a系统.尺寸与几何形状
  • Sinosauropteryx ( compsognathids ) , beipzaosaums ( therizinosaurids ) and shuvuuia ( alvarezsaurids ) have the filament - like protofeathers that lack the rachis and barbules
    …具有最为简单的原始羽毛状构造,这种构造不具备羽干及羽小枝;而proto17vaeoptepe 、 ca 。 dhtepe 。
  • Leaves bipinnate , 10 - 25 cm long , usually with 2 pairs of pinnae , rachis often ending in a tendril ; pinnae with 2 - 4pairs of leaflets and terminal tendrils ; leaflets opposite , oblong or long obovate , 3 - 9cm long , 1 . 5 - 4cm wide , apex obtuse or emarginated , base slightly oblique
    叶为二回羽状复叶,长10 - 25厘米,叶轴先端常变为?须,羽片通常2对,顶生1对羽片变为?须;小叶2 - 4对,对生,长椭圆形或长倒卵形,长3 - 9厘米,宽1 . 5 - 4厘米,先端钝、微凹,基部略偏斜。
  • " x - ray gaze small cut extirpating soft organism eyewinker " got the fourth prize in military field ; " research and application of wild war one - time operation bandage " got the second prize ; " making of rabbit paralyze modal and rachis transplant experiment " the fourth prize of technical progress
    “ x -线直视下小切口摘除深部软组织异物”获军内科技进步4等奖。 “野战一次性手术敷料包研制及应用”获全军科技二等奖。 “家兔瘫痪模型的制做以及胎兔脊髓移植的实验研究”获得军内科技进步4等奖。
  • Leaves crowded near apex of the trunk , spirally arranged ; stipes dark brown , with sharp spines ; lamina large , oblong , tripinnate ; pinnae 17 - 20 pairs , alternate , longest one to 60 cm long , the basal one reduced ; rachis short - spiny ; pinnules 18 - 20 pairs , sessile or nearly so , lanceolate , to 10 cm long and 2 . 5 cm wide , divided almost to the costa ; segments more or less falcate , toothed
    叶螺旋状排列,聚生于茎端;叶柄棕色,具锐刺;叶片大,长矩圆形,三回羽状深裂;羽片17 - 20对,互生,最大的长达60厘米,基部一对缩短,羽轴有短刺;小羽片18 - 20对,无柄或近于无柄,披针形,长达10厘米,宽2 . 5厘米,深裂几达中脉;末回裂片多少镰状,有齿。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 英文解释
  • the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord; "the fall broke his back"
    同义词:spinal column, vertebral column, spine, backbone, back,

  • axis of a compound leaf or compound inflorescence

  • 其他语种释义
  • rachisとは意味:{名} : 花軸{かじく}、葉軸{ようじく}、中肋{ちゅうろく}、羽軸{うじく}◆【複】rachises ; rachides
  • 推荐英语阅读
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