

  • s-过程



  • 例句与用法
  • S - process nucleosynthesis in agb stars : the asymptotic distribution of neutron exposures
  • The abundance of feed nuclei 6fe of s - process is proportional to metalicity
    Fe族元素作为种子核,金属丰度与[ fe h ]成正比。
  • S - process nucleosynthesis in agb star : the probability of a fe seed nucleus experiencing neutron irradiation
  • S - process nucleosynthesis may be a useful constraint for the evolution and convection in massive stars
  • In this dissertation , the theory of radiative capture reaction and the s - process of nucleosynthesis of heavy element of astrophysics have been investigated
    本文研究了辐射俘获反应理论和天体重元素核合成的s ?过程。
  • Moreover , we compute the change against neutron irradiation of heavy element abundance in typical branching point 85kr of s - process and result is good agreement with the former too
  • In this dissertation , a analytic solution of neutron source of s - process in agb star has been given . with the up to date experimental data of 13c ( , n ) 16o and 12c ( n , y ) 13c reaction rate , we carry out a analytic research for neutron source of s - process
    中国原子能科学研究院博士学位论文本文给出了agb星s - -过程中子源的一个解析解,并利用’ 3c ( a , n ) ‘ 60反应最新实验数据和我们研究得到的’ zc ( n ,力’ 3c反应的截面和核反应率,对s - -过程的中子源进行了解析研究。
  • Adopting single pulse neutron exposure 22ne ( a , n ) 2dmg and the updated neutron cross section , making use of the core helium burning model of the single neutron exposure theory , we calculate the s - process nucleosynthesis in massive stars at different mettalicity and compare the results with the solar s - weak component
    我们采用单脉冲中子源‘ zne ( a , n ) zsmg ,采用最新发表的中子俘获截面,用中心氦燃烧模型计算了各金属丰度情况下15m m叼0m 。的大质量星的s过程核合成,并将所得结果与太阳的s刁分量进行比较。
  • Simultaneously , enhancement of the cross section must has had been played an important role in astrophysical nuclear process . we investigate the s - process of nucleosynthesis of heavy element of astrophysics and give a group of analytic solutions for the s - process . to check up the analytic solutions , we calculate the n distributing of the heavy element of s - process in solar system and the result is good agreement with astronomic measurement
    我们研究了天体重元素核合成的s ?过程,给出了s ?过程网络方程的一个解析解,作为对本文解析解的检验,我们计算了太阳系的s ?过程重元素丰度的n分布,计算结果与天文观测符合的较好;另外,我们还计算了s ?过程的典型分叉点~ ( 85 ) kr处各个核素的丰度变化,与已有的结果符合的较好。
  • 百科解释
The s-process or slow-neutron-capture-process is a nucleosynthesis process that occurs at relatively low neutron density and intermediate temperature conditions in stars. Under these conditions heavier nuclei are created by neutron capture, increasing the atomic weight of the nucleus by one.
  • 其他语种释义
  • s-processとは意味:{名} : s 過程{かてい}◆元素合成に関する天体の核反応。s=slow
  • 推荐英语阅读
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