

  • import quotas
  • inport quota
  • iq import quota
  • quota for imports



  • 例句与用法
  • How to improve the competitive ability of cotton production and reduce the effect of import raw cotton on chinese cotton production from other countries relate closely with future development of both cotton producers and cotton consumers in china
  • Article 30 the import business operators shall present its certificate of tariff quotas issued by the administrative departments of import tariff quotas to the customs offices for handling the formalities of customs declaration and examination of the goods within the tariff quotas
  • The european commission said tuesday that it will run " joint import surveillance " with the chinese foreign trade ministry for the next year for some types of clothing , instead of lifting all quotas on chinese textiles at the start of 2008 as originally planned
    欧洲委员会星期二说,将在明年同中国商务部对某些种类的服装实施“共同进口监督” ,而不是按照原计划从2008年开始取消所有中国纺织品的进口配额
  • Under the precondition that hi - tech foreign investment enterprises comply with relevant state rules and regulations , apart from those products that require import permit and quota management , they can determine by themselves the ratio for import and export in their articles of association
  • These includeprice supports for farming ; tariffs and import quotas ; rent control ; minimumwages ; “ detailed regulation of industries ” , including banks ; forcing pensionersto buy annuities ; military conscription in time of peace ; national parks ; andthe ban on carrying mail for profit
    它包括以价格机制为农产品市场的基础;关税和进口配额;租金控制;最低工资; “规定产业政策”包括银行业;强制个人购买养老保险;和平时期的兵役制;建立国家公园;禁止有偿邮递。
  • Cita will request consultations with the government of china concerning these four textile and apparel products before the end of may with a view to easing or avoiding the threat of market disruption . as of the date consultations are requested by the united states , a quota will be put in place to limit u . s . imports from china of these four products
    根据商务部的报告, 2005年第一季度,在全球纺织品配额制在2004年12月31日失效后,来自中国的上述进口产品的数量比2004年同期增加了120 %到328 % 。新的进口配额将把2005年来自中国的上述类别的进口增长限制在去年基础上的7
  • Article 20 the administrative departments of import quotas and the administrative departments of export licenses shall , on the basis of the provisions of the present regulation , formulate specific measures of administration so as to clarify the qualifications of the applicant , the departments for accepting applications , the principles and procedures of inspections , etc . and shall promulgate the measures prior to their implementation
  • Anti - dumping , being a focus problem in international trade since two decades ago , can be attributed to the effects that achieved by eight successive rounds of gatt multilateral negotiation that traditional trade barriers have been greatly weakened . for example , tariffs have been cut down and non - tariff barriers such as quotas and licenses have been reduced . at the same time , a new suit of legal trade tools permitted by gatt / wto such as anti - dumping . anti - subsidy and safeguard measures emerge as the time require . despite the different opinions about anti - dumping in economy theory bounds , trade bounds and law bounds . nowadays , to many countries especially the western countries , anti - dumping has become one of the most important means to restrain unfair trade and protect domestic industries . since the founding of wto , 1995 , every member of wto has established , amended and perfected their own anti - dumping , measures one after another according to wto agreement on anti - dumping . anti - dumping has become an essential part of the trade policy and law in every country
    这是因为经过关贸总协定( gatt )八轮多边谈判,各国进口关税税率不断下降,进口配额和许可证等非关税壁垒措施也日益减少,传统的贸易壁垒措施作用被极大削弱。代之而起的例如反倾销、反补贴、保障措施等事一套新的被gatt以及世界贸易组织( wto )所允许的合法的贸易工具应运而生。尽管在经济理论界、国际贸易界及法学界对反倾销还存在不同认识和看法,但自1948年关贸总协定这一多边贸易体制建立以来,反倾销已成为当今各国,尤其是西方国家抑制不公平贸易、保护国内产业的重要手段之一。
  • The documents requested by the administrative departments of import quotas and the administrative departments of import licenses for submission shall be limited to those documents and materials that are necessary for effecting the administration and the departments may not refuse to accept the applications under the pretext of trifle , immaterial mistakes or errors
  • The documents requested by the administrative departments of import quotas for submission shall be limited to those documents and materials that are necessary for effecting the administration and the departments may not refuse to accept the applications under the pretext of trifle , immaterial mistakes or errors
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