
change rate中文是什么意思

  • 变动率
  • 变化率



  • 例句与用法
  • From 1929 to 1943 , with the currency system changing to the floating exchange rate system , each monetary bloc implemented the strict foreign exchange management , and competed to use the depreciation policy to stimulate the exportation , resulting in " he changes rate war "
  • In the performance seeking control process , performance constraints and component constraints that occur in the actual engine transient state are considered . besides , the constraints of control variable , such as the change rate and the change range , are also taken into account
  • This paper takes qingdao as the study field and uses 1995 and 2000 year ' s tm materials , then gets the data about the quantity and change rate on qingdao city ' s land use , and finally analyze the condition of qingdao city ' s land use dynamic changes
    以青岛市为研究区,利用1995 、 2000年两期的tm遥感影像资料,运用人机交互目视解译方法以及地理信息系统的空间分析和数理统计功能,得到青岛市土地利用变化数量、变化速度等数据,对青岛市土地利用变化情况进行了深入分析
  • Due to two work states - - - arc burning and short current - - - existed in welding process of consumable electrode welding , and different control objectives in these two states , two close - loop feedbacks are designed in the control system : welding voltage feedback and welding current change rate feedback
    根据熔化极co2焊机具有燃弧和短路两种工作状态,且两种状态下控制目标不同的特点,在控制系统中设计了双闭环反馈:焊接电压反馈及焊接电流变化率di / dt反馈。
  • When the temperature of the medium is constant , the analysis of data presents that the diffusion coefficient of moisture increases with the reduction of absolute pressure and the rise of changing rate of pressure , among which the effect of the latter makes a big difference compared with that of the former
  • The anti - lock braking processes based on logic threshold control are simulated in the environment of matlab / simulink software . the influences on logic threshold control abs by the factors such as road condition , initial velocity , the changing rate of braking torque , delay time , inertia and load are discussed at the same time
    运用matlab simulink软件,对基于逻辑门限控制方法的防抱制动过程进行了计算机模拟,并分析了路面、初速、制动力矩变化率、延迟时间、转动惯量及载荷等因素对逻辑门限控制abs的影响。
  • Backed up by the soplat theory based on particle kinematics , the second chapter of this paper presents with analysis and simulation of several single observer passive measurement models , which uses such relative movement parameters as bearings changing rates and centrifugal acceleration information on the basis of bearings measurements . in the third chapter , the observability of location respectively using bearings and its changing rates information and centrifugal acceleration information is analyzed , and its observable condition is got . the fourth chapter puts forward the modified covariance extended kalman filtering ( mvekf ) against the defect of traditional extended kalman filtering ( ekf ) , whose performance is simultaneously compared in the chapter with the performance of ususal tracking algorithm such as ekf , mgekf , iekf by computer simulation
    在近年来提出的基于质点运动学原理的单站无源定位理论基础上,本文第二章提出了几种在角度测量的基础上增加角度变化率及相对运动的离心加速度等运动学参数的单站无源测量模型,并对它们进行了分析和仿真;第三章分别对利用角度及其变化率信息定位和利用离心加速度信息定位的可观测性进行分析并得到了相应的可观测条件;第四章针对传统扩展卡尔曼( ekf )方法的缺点,提出了一种修正协方差的扩展卡尔曼滤波( mvefk )方法,并将其和ekf 、 mgekf 、 iekf等常用的单站无源定位滤波方法进行了性能仿真比较;第五章通过引入雷达机动目标跟踪方法和模型,提出了利用角度及其变化率对机动辐射源跟踪的多级噪声自适应方法和imm方法;第六章主要对角度变化率和离心加速度参数的获取技术进行了研究,提出了几种高精度测量脉冲序列多普勒频率变化率的方法。
  • They are agricultural productive materials price growth rate , sown area of grain crops growth rate , grain yield per area growth rate - , natural disaster covered grain areas growth rate , net grain import change rate , grain reserve change rate , population growth rate , per income growth rate , city and town population growth rate , food industry production value growth rate , year - end pig number growth rate , medical & pharmaceutical and textile industry production value growth rate , grain marketization degree , inflation rate using the previous year as base year ( preceding year = 100 ) , public grain purchases price growth rate , investment in agricultural science and technology growth rate , investment in agricultural infrastructure growth rate , growth rate of graduates number from agriculture , forestry , science & technology universities and colleges and specialized secondary schools , government expenditure for agriculture and agricultural credit growth rate , international grain price growth rate , rmb exchange rate growth rate , last grain price growth rate , economic crop price growth rate , , meanwhile , a new method is attempted to be used in this paper and the grain price early - warning problem is transformed into machine learning problem by introducing statistic learning theory and svm method which are gaining popularity in machine learning field at present in the world
  • It arises from differences between the timing of rate changes and the timing of cash flows ( repricing risk ) ; from changing rate relationships among yield curves that affect bank activities ( basis risk ) ; from changing rate relationships across the spectrum of maturities ( yield curve risk ) ; and from interest - rate - related options embedded in bank products ( option risk )
    从利率市场化的构成要件出发来分析,本部分主要包括三个方面: ( 1 )我国利率市场化进程。主要分析了我国尚未实现利率市场化的几个方面、在利率市场化改革进程中的主要事件以及对我国利率改革的重要意义。 ( 2 )银行改革是影响利率市场化主要因素。
  • T level of male is much higher , but their p , lh , fsh levels are much lower than those of female . the change rate with aging in male is also relatively slower . the concentrations of ptc and acth are related with the memory functions and the levels of e2 , p , t , lh . , fsh are related with attention , memory , thought and executive functions
    男性在wais智力测验项目、 toh测验中成绩优于女性;随龄增长,除知识以外的大多数认知功能均下降,但男性相对保持较好;男性神经内分泌指标的差异主要集中在性激素方面,男性t高于女性, p 、 lh 、 fsh却低于女性;随龄增长,男女的神经内分泌指标的变化基本一致,但男性的变化幅度相对较小;男女神经内分泌水平和认知功能的相关项目稍有不同,但两者的acth 、 ptc与记忆功能相关, e2 、 t 、 lh 、 fsh等性激素与很多方面的认知功能如注意、记忆、思维分析能力、执行功能相关。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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change rate的中文翻译,change rate是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译change rate,change rate的中文意思,change rate的中文change rate in Chinesechange rate的中文change rate怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
