

音标:[ sānfǎn ]   发音:
  • three-anti/five-anti campaigns



  • 例句与用法
  • Of course , in some areas the indistinct aim , insufficient preparation , too much combination with “ three - antis ’ ’ brought some faults to the party consolidation
  • On a macro level ( please see the charts with half - yearly averages ) , the satisfaction figure has fluctuated downwards from 33 % registered in the second half of 1997 to 14 % recorded in the second half of this year , and has remained at the low end for quite a while
    综观回归后市民对董建华施政方针满意程度的走势(可参阅半年结图表) ,满意数字由九七年下半年的三成三反覆下跌至近半年的一成四,并持续在低位徘徊。
  • The optical manufacturing for off - axis aspheric mirrors has become increasingly challenging for two reasons . the mirrors , in addition to being larger , are more aspheric and off - axis in order to meet the requirement of next generation space camera , which is commonly configured as three - mirror - anastigmat ( tma ) to get both wide fov and high resolution , and the required accuracy is more stringent
    近年来,人们提出了“离轴三反消像散” ( tma )结构来满足下一代空间相机“详查”和“宽覆盖”的技术要求,该结构中要求使用三块离轴非球面反射镜,而大口径、高精度离轴非球面反射镜的制造技术是研制tma结构空间相机的主要技术瓶颈之一。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 三反的韩语:[명사] (1)오직(汚職)·관료주의·낭비에 대한 반대. (2)관료주의·명령주의·법령 법규를 위반하는 것에 대한 반대. (3)당(黨). 사회주의. 모택동 사상에 대한 반대. (4)반란. 부역(賦役) 제도. 인신 종속 관계에 대한 반대. →[三反双减] (5)수정주의 비판·자본주의 비판·사회주의 실천에 대한 반대.
  • 三反的俄语:pinyin:sānfǎn борьба против трёх зол (а) империализма, феодализма, бюрократического капитала; б) против взяточничества, расточительства и бюрократизма)
  • 三反什么意思:  1.  三个来回。     ▶ 汉 班固 《白虎通‧耕桑》: “天子耕东田, 而三反之。”     2.  三种自相矛盾的行为。     ▶ 《三国志‧魏志‧王肃传论》“ 王肃 亮直多闻” 南朝 宋 裴松之 注: “ 刘寔 以为 肃 方于事上, 而好下佞己...
  • 推荐英语阅读
三反的英文翻译,三反英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译三反,三反的英文意思,三反的英文三反 meaning in English三反的英文三反怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
