

  • cut surface
  • edge
  • face of cut/ cut face
  • facet



  • 例句与用法
  • Bevel edge cutter : more aggressive thanks to new blade configuration
  • Steel cutting surface or shear surface should have no cracks , slag , stratification and the lack of greater than 1 mm prism
    钢材切割面或剪切面应无裂纹、夹渣、分层和大于1 ?的缺棱。
  • The blade spins at a high speed so sterile water needs to be constantly applied to the cut surface to minimize burning
  • 2 . a new kind of algorithm , based on the golden section method for semidefinite programming is presented , which makes full use of the structure of the feasiable region
  • Yet another reason is the breaking of molecular bonds in the reaction of laser and material that results in the generating of monomers on the surfaces . but the size of monomers can be ignored compared with air bulbs
  • Nc reduces the amount of non - chip - producing time by selecting speeds and feeds , making rapid moves between surfaces to be cut , using automatic fixtures , automatic tool changing , controlling the coolant , in - process gauging , and loading and unloading the part
    Nc (产品简称)通过选择速率,高速转变切割面,自动改变工具,控制冷却剂,减少了这些不必要的非工作时间,工作中划定规格,和装卸降低了这些不必要的非制造时间。
  • The outcome suggest that , firstly , the change of light transmission with the continuous change of parameters is periodic ; secondly , as far as the degree of effect is concerned , the light transmission of air - spaced prisms is much more sensitive to the change of the parameters than that of the glue spaced ones ; thirdly , as to the prisms glued with the same dielectric , the effect of prisms whose optical axis parallels to the glued layer is intense than those whose optical axis parallels to the plane determines by the normal of incident face and that of the cut face
  • Combining the texture rendering of opengl with the display of cutting surface of 3d models , it is easy to observe the inner tissues or organs images information . in chapter five , we had studied the interactive visualization of acupuncture point of reconstructed 3d models . a interactive point orientation methods from the select operation of opengl is presented in this dissertation
  • 推荐英语阅读
切割面的英文翻译,切割面英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译切割面,切割面的英文意思,切割面的英文切割面 meaning in English切割面的英文切割面怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
