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  • welcome to beijing



  • 例句与用法
  • Red , yellow , blue , green and black , the colors of the five rings were adopted for the dolls
    字谐其音, “北京欢迎你” ;色仿五环,红黄蓝绿黑。
  • On the front , the 5 mascots stand together and issue their warm welcome by saying “ beijing welcomes you ”
    纪念章正面为五个福娃组合在一起,向世界发出热情的邀请“北京欢迎你” 。
  • The “ welcome - to - beijing ” commemorative medallion is made under authorization of the beijing organizing committee for the games of the xxix olympiad
  • The “ welcome - to - beijing ” twin commemorative medallion is made under authorization of the beijing organizing committee for the games of the xxix olympiad
  • The five friendlies were introduced as bei bei , jing jing , huan huan , ying ying and ni ni - which , put together , translates to " beijing welcomes you !
    五个吉祥物分别取名贝贝、晶晶、欢欢、英英和妮妮,这五个汉字连起来就是“北京欢迎你” 。
  • One shows a picture of peking opera facial makeup , another is the image of a giant panda and the third is the chinese sentence reading beijing huanying ni ? beijing welcomes you
  • Each of the five mascots of 2008 beijing olympic games represent good wishes . on the front , the 5 mascots stand together and issue their warm welcome by saying “ beijing welcomes you ”
    北京2008年奥运会每个吉祥物福娃都代表着美好的祝愿。纪念章正面为五个福娃组合在一起,向世界发出热情的邀请“北京欢迎你” 。
  • One side of the medallion carries images of the emblem for the xxix olympiad , the olympic pictogram , the core patterns and the temple of heaven ; another side includes images of the emblem for the xxix olympiad , mascots , the national stadium ( bird ' s nest ) as well as the text that reads ” the xxix olympiad ” and “ welcome to beijing ” in both chinese and english
    两枚纪念章图案一面为第29届奥林匹克运动会会徽、体育图标、核心图形和北京天坛;一面为第29届奥林匹克运动会会徽、吉祥物、国家体育场(鸟巢)和“第29届奥林匹克运动会” 、 “北京欢迎你”等中英文文字。
  • 百科解释
《北京欢迎你》是2008年北京奥运会倒计时100天的主题曲,由香港著名作词家林夕作词,中国大陆音乐人小柯作曲,小柯、陈少琪、余秉翰担任制作人,百名歌手合唱用音乐为奥运加油 百名歌星京味歌谣唱出《北京欢迎你》。这首歌是北京奥运会歌曲征集活动作品中最受欢迎的一首。“北京欢迎你”同时也是2008年北京奥运会吉祥物福娃“贝贝”、“晶晶”、“欢欢”、“迎迎”、“妮妮”五个名字连起来的谐音。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
北京欢迎你的英文翻译,北京欢迎你英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译北京欢迎你,北京欢迎你的英文意思,北京歡迎你的英文北京欢迎你 meaning in English北京歡迎你的英文北京欢迎你怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
