

音标:[ zhǐchǐtiānyá ]   发音:
  • (又作“咫尺千里) a short distance away, and yet poles apart -- to see little of each other though living nearby; a panorama of one-thousand li on a one-chi scroll; it looks as if it were as far as the horizon, although it is but one foot's distance away.; rich content within a small compass; so near yet so far



  • 例句与用法
  • The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can ‘ t have them
    失去一个人最糟糕的方式是咫尺天涯(做人最悲哀的事情是你操她的时候她性幻想别人) 。
  • So with the three passengers shut up i the narrow compass of one lumbering old mail - coach ; the were mysteries to one another , as complete as if each ha been in his own coach and six , or his own coach and sixty , with the breadth of a county between him and the next
  • 其他语种释义
  • 咫尺天涯的日语:〈成〉すぐ近くにいながら顔を合わすことができないこと.
  • 咫尺天涯的韩语:【성어】 매우 가까이 있으면서도 하늘 끝에 있는 것처럼 만나 보기 어렵다. 지척이 천 리다. 他们两人虽然住得很近, 但咫尺天涯很少见面; 그 두 사람은 매우 가까이 살고 있으나 지척이 천 리인양 자주 만나지 못 한다
  • 咫尺天涯的俄语:pinyin:zhǐchǐtiānyá как будто близко, а на самом деле так далеко, как до края неба (обр. в знач.: никак не сойтись)
  • 咫尺天涯什么意思:zhǐ chǐ tiān yá 【解释】比喻距离虽近,但很难相见,象是远在天边一样。 【出处】《左传·僖公九年》:“天威不违颜咫尺。” 【示例】左右如今也不容相近,~一般,有甚舍不得处?(《古今小说》第二十二卷) 【拼音码】zcty 【灯谜面】大比例地图 【用法】紧缩式;作主语、谓语、宾语;形容难以相见 【英文】a short distance away,and yet poles ap...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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