

  • inertial thinking



  • 例句与用法
  • What ' s more , with the global contemporary management theory becoming more mature and deeply , our country are also experiencing the conversion from close and extensive management manner of planned economy to open and intensive management manner of market economy . during the course of slipping the leash of traditional concept and alluring advanced management idea for reference , because of the action of inertial thinking and restriction of condition from many aspects , misconstrue will comes into being unavoidable
  • In reality , because of the inertia thinking of the all - round country , there is very strong administrative color in the modern operation of the third sector . the monopoly of the government still exists in public articles and the service field , there is no normal and high - efficient its doing in public resource distribution of full play in the third sector
  • In this article , the author take lianyungang city as example , put new theoretical idea on dealing with the city land , meanwhile , analysis the difference on management between land resources and commodity on traditional concept , in order to find out the best way to deal with the city land and promote the healthy development of market economy . the above author ' s opinion based on the government should play a role as agent instead of the owner , and also the land should be looked as not only a kind of resources , but also a kind of capital and special commodity
    本论文以连云港市为典型,利用经济学原理,把城市土地资产的所有者和处置者? ?政府放在一个“经济人”的角度,尽力抛开“管理”土地的惯性思维,不仅把城市土地看作一种资源,更看作一种资产,进而成为一种特殊的商品,提出全新的对城市土地资产进行经营的理念,同时分析城市土地资产经营与传统意义上的一般商品经营的区别,以寻求市场经济条件下城市土地资产处置的合理定式,促进市场经济的健康发展。
  • 百科解释
惯性思维(Inertial thinking)指人习惯性地因循以前的思路思考问题,仿佛物体运动的惯性。惯性思维常会造成思考事情时有些盲点,且缺少创新或改变的可能性。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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